Instead of doing the spill I'm just going to do the explanation on why a
slower movie in TAStime is being submitted.
It is mainly due to the
submission with Monopoly that's currently on the bench, where it's a shorter movie in terms of time, but not that of gameplay.
And this submission was cleared at being submitted by the Judges as it allows another instance of a same argument to be looked over as an alternative.
This is Tekken Advance and Yoshimitsu being extremely nerfed because they removed Suicide.
Paul Phoenix the
resident shadow to the TASing world of Tekken is here to bust guts in with Burning Death Fist.
Burning Death Fist is the
second fastest move taking only 67 frames to execute, with the drawback is that Advance is based on Tag meaning everyone has more health, meaning everyone has to be dealt with quickly before giving them a strong fist.
nymx: Claiming for judging.
nymx: I don't mind setting this to delayed, since I'm on vacation. I'll give Alyosha some time to work out the issue.
nymx: Replacing with an updated movie to reflect the changes of GBAHawk 2.1.3
nymx: Unclaiming, since this has gotten to be a headache for me. I will be watching judgement from someone else to see how this case will be handled.
feos: We were asked to discuss this a bit more, and I decided to watch all 3 movies myself, because it was still unclear to me how realtime and in-game time compare.
Turns out both submissions are identical in in-game time when Heihachi is reached, so we really can't say aiming for IGT results in a more accurate representation of gameplay improvements, even though IGT does represent segments of actual comparable gameplay. There's just no difference most of the time. And to switch to IGT as a better timing option,
those differences need to exist.
Now since only the last fight is different, it all boils down to how exactly we want to
time the end of the movie. We've had
a discussion a decade ago, and didn't come to any specific preference, because both options got equal support and were both allowed as an artistic choice by the author.
But since then we've added a way to host additional movie files in publications, and they are mostly used for savegame verifications and movies with post-completion input for encoding. This is why I suggested this
for Monopoly, but we've discussed that Monopoly submission more and it seems to belong to Alt because of inherently different strategies coming from different end timing (not Standard currently, but nothing prevents us from having a discussion in the future).
Initially, before having watched this submission, I thought it contained different strategies too, and therefore IGT would be a valid separate goal (in Playground, because fighting games are not very entertaining when aiming for speed). But when only the very end is different, I realized it can't be considered an independent goal, so in this case I think it's a great idea to actually host both movies in one publication.