A while back, I used two testing plugins that could record GPU and SPU output from ePSXe to create a short movie of Final Fantasy IX. I'm able to use slowdowns and rerecords while using these plugins and then later capture the streams using Fraps when I replay them with different GPU and SPU plugins, like
I was going to play through the whole game this way, but stopped when I found out its major disadvantages and bugs. Namely, whenever you load a state, any sound or music instrument that was playing at that moment will be cut off. This makes for some very nasty sound bugs. Also, it wasn't possible to properly capture the audio and video streams (resulting in a lot of lag, as you can see during the battle). Fraps was really my last resort. The program is also very prone to "break" the audio (meaning everything will be recorded without sound, requiring that you restart the emulator), which happened everytime you loaded a state during an MDEC.
Still, this video is pretty cool, especially if you'd really like to see ePSXe re-recording someday. Some features:
- uses slowdowns and re-records
- uses luck manipulation (to get the Mage Masher with Cinna's Steal command)
ffxi-rerecording-concept.avi 4.4 MB (x264)