I decided to necro this thread rather than start a new one.
Now that I've finished my run of the Metal Gear Solid single-player campaign and antd apparently lost interest in VR Missions two years ago, I thought I could step in and do this TAS myself. It will be a lot less stress on my part than MGS, since each mission is self-contained and therefore long term planning isn't needed.
It appears that, in order to unlock the "time attack" option for various categories, you have to have completed all the appropriate missions in practice mode first. Since I think it would be incredibly boring to watch every mission done twice, I am once again starting from SRAM, with a memory card that has completed every practice-mode mission but leaves the time-attack mode untouched.
In order to avoid the same kind of problems I encountered with my MGS run, I am doing my verification movie first.
I will try to do some general planning as I create the movie verifying the memory card I will use for this TAS. If you'd like, I can post WIPs of the verification movie to see what kind of ideas I can gather from playing this semi-casually.
There is also a YouTube playlist of every VR mission in the game done by Omgarett, which you can find
right here.
I'm really excited to start working on MGS-like speedrunning again without having to go through the same aches and pains as last time!