I am proud to announce the official release of FCEUX
Latest version:
FCEUX is the newest update to the old FCE Ultra 0.98.x. It offers extensive new tools, features, and bug fixes.
Most importantly it merges the TAS tools of FCEU.28 and the debugging tools of FCEUXDSP1.07.
For us TASers it offers a huge list of features/fixes. Obviously I recommend everyone download and use FCEUX for TASing purposes.
WIN32 Changes over FCEU.28:
* A FCEU help menu! Compiled and/or written by me. This is up to date information about various fceux features & tools and a how to guide for various emulator related functions.
* Advanced debugger from FCEUXD
* Cheat search from FCEUXD (much simpler to use compared to FCEU.28)
* RAM Filter - new tool for finding RAM addreses (from FCEUXDSP1.07)
* New movie file format: .fm2 (see
* file format is text based for easy movie editing/splicing
* Soft reset removed from record movie options
* Power-on movies have no redundant savestate imbedded
* Mouse input can be captured allowing Zapper and Arkanoid Paddle input in movies.
* Convert FCM tool that will convert old .fcm formats into .fm2. Most every .fcm from .12 or later will convert properly. Details on conversion
* GUID imbedded into all .fm2 files. This prevents wrong savestate loading.
* Many movie related bug fixes
* Supports the inclusion of metadata, using this one can imbed lots of info about their movie. All info is viewable with the Metadata button on the movie replay dialog.
* Savestate naming system includes the fm2 filename (like GENS). Prevents accidental wrong savestate loading.
* New savestate format. NOTE: Savestates from previous FCEU version are
NOT compatible with FCEUX2.0
* .cfg is now text rather than a compressed format (easy editing)
* FCEUX as well as many dialogs remember x,y coordinates
* new set of command line features including pause, readonly, loadstate (see help .chm for more details).
* Many core fixes, including sound. FCEUX runs with much less processing power (quite evident when turboing)
* Numerous core related bug fixes (FCEUX will crash much less often)
* Turbo toggle hotkey (pressing once will turn on turbo and leave it on)
* Many new hotkey assignable options, including the opening most dialog tools
* Lag Counter (operates similar to the GENS version)
* Autofire settings are remembered when closing FCEUX
* Autofire takes lag into account (autofiring in a laggy area or 30fps game still skip frames where input is not polled).
* Memory watch: Uses a fraction of the processing power (multiple fceu + memory watch dialogs open at once will not hog CPU power)
* Memory watch: remembers x,y coordinates
* Memory watch: Menu added, with hotkeys
* Memory watch: Both save and save as features as well as a recent files menu.
* Memory watch: Load on startup feature, will automatically load MW when FCEUX is opened
* Memory watch: Load last file, will automatically load the last watch file used when MW is opened.
* Edit boxes are now tabbable
* Edit boxes can hold up to 64 characters (nice for longer descriptions of ram values)
* Cheat search: from FCEUXDSP (complete overhaul to FCEU.28)
* Cheat search: double clicking a cheat possibility will send it to memory watch
* Cheat search: minimize button and remembers x,y position
* RAM Filter: double clicking possibilities will send to Memory watch
* Many Lua scripting ehancements including the ability to create Dialog boxes and GUI functions! (One can create their own TAS tools)
* Basic bot replaces with a much more extensive LuaBot. LuaBot is loaded from the Luabot lua script (see .chm for help).
*7z support.
*Archive files with more than 1 file will open a dialog to choose a file (useful for goodsets).
Input presets (more info in the .chm help file).
*New Directory override for a ROMs folder (can be different from base directory now)
NOTE: To use lua requires downloading the luapack available
here. The lua pack also includes luabot as well as many example lua scripts.
Bug reports and feature requests can be made
[Edited by AngerFist: Stickyfied]