pics/16624|2014] - [2588M] %%%
nd in the newest ''[2588M|Super Mario Bros. 3]'' run. As such, the
un improves on the [2588M|previous movie] by 10469 frames (th
ne, that's clearly [2588M|impossible.]
__7-2__ %%%
M] %%%
[2587M] %%%
[2588M] [#1] %%%
nside The Game]
! [2588M]
*__Kotaku__ [https:
ploit used for the [2588M|game end glitch] to achieve total co
same route as the [2588M|this game end glitch run]. However, he achiev
improvement to the [2588M|published run].
ery similar to the [2588M|oldest game end glitch movie], which is unaccepta