Page | Date | Minor Edit | Revision Message | Actions |
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1298 r2 | 9/26/2006 9:40:15 AM | False | ||
Downloads r15 | 9/25/2006 4:13:47 PM | False | attempt at reforming this page | |
HomePages/DeHackEd r21 | 9/23/2006 11:57:14 PM | False | yay! experimental? | |
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M687 r2 | 9/23/2006 10:23:26 AM | False | First draft for description | |
Staff r23 | 9/19/2006 12:49:31 PM | False | changes to encoders section | |
LegacyPages/MovieRules r50 | 9/19/2006 11:10:05 AM | False | ordered emulators by system | |
GameResources/N64/ZeldaOcarinaOfTime r9 | 9/19/2006 7:06:27 AM | False | reordered movement methods, paltforms -> platforms, rm nearly difficult | |
HomePages/Truncated r43 | 9/18/2006 8:44:22 PM | False | because bisqwit told me to | |
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1095 r5 | 9/18/2006 8:40:42 PM | False | ||
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1289 r3 | 9/18/2006 6:59:19 PM | False | ||
GameResources/SNES/MegaManX r24 | 9/18/2006 3:35:41 PM | True | rm gamefaqs. | |
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1198 r4 | 9/14/2006 9:30:45 PM | False | ||
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M466 r2 | 9/14/2006 7:08:02 AM | False | link to DX version | |
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M599 r2 | 9/14/2006 7:06:09 AM | False | spelling, link to other awakening | |
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1021 r7 | 9/13/2006 6:42:46 AM | False | ||
LegacyPages/MovieRules r49 | 9/10/2006 9:28:58 AM | False | cleanup. should option end as soon as possible without delaying game completion be mentioned? | |
ListOfIdeas r49 | 9/6/2006 4:36:19 PM | False | + alisia dragoon | |
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1179 r4 | 9/4/2006 6:42:36 AM | False | ||
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1156 r2 | 8/30/2006 8:36:08 PM | False | ||
LuckManipulation r2 | 8/24/2006 6:37:53 AM | False | reversed order of possibilities to match time. also, monsters ARE the enemies. | |
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1142 r2 | 8/20/2006 1:47:23 PM | False | ||
GameResources/Genesis/Pulseman r5 | 8/14/2006 7:59:54 AM | True | TOC and small correction | |
GameResources/NES/BattleOfOlympus r3 | 8/9/2006 6:43:42 AM | False | minor corrections | |
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M571 r3 | 8/7/2006 8:04:37 AM | False | correction and limited amounts of funnyness | |
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S479 r5 | 8/4/2006 3:25:05 PM | False |