Edit History For User Truncated

Edits by Truncated

PageDateMinor EditRevision MessageActions
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1430 r3 2/14/2007 4:42:28 PM False rejected
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1426 r5 2/8/2007 11:00:43 PM False accepted
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1440 r2 2/8/2007 9:42:24 PM False accepted
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1437 r4 2/8/2007 9:40:38 PM False accepted
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1418 r3 2/8/2007 9:33:13 PM False tentatively accepted
SubmissionInstructions r22 2/8/2007 2:36:05 PM False updated to reflect changes on the site
FAQ r85 2/8/2007 2:25:56 PM False suggesting a new page and some minor fixes
GameResources/SNES/MegaManX r32 2/8/2007 1:55:49 PM False tried to fix stuff in the glossary, once again ;term:def seems buggy.
GameResources/SNES/SuperMarioWorld r21 2/8/2007 1:17:34 PM True oscillation clarifications
GameResources/SNES/SuperMetroid r23 2/8/2007 1:08:57 PM True turbo -> autofire
TextFormattingRules r41 2/7/2007 3:46:35 PM False updated, since Bisqwit fixed a list. the linking section is still a mess. ;term:def implementation seems broken.
TextFormattingRules r40 2/6/2007 1:01:15 PM False todos: > and module:
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1409 r2 2/2/2007 4:52:53 PM False rejected + small fix
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1423 r4 1/31/2007 10:47:38 AM False rejected
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1434 r2 1/31/2007 8:36:15 AM False
HomePages/Truncated r55 1/29/2007 5:44:27 PM False another run i'll most probably never get around to doing
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M513 r2 1/29/2007 10:44:02 AM False improved english, something about the movie would be appreciated
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1423 r3 1/29/2007 8:37:25 AM False cleared realname field
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1430 r2 1/29/2007 8:36:36 AM False cleared realname
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1428 r3 1/24/2007 6:20:53 PM False accepted, suggested obsoletion
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1400 r3 1/24/2007 5:37:53 PM False rejected
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1422 r3 1/24/2007 5:28:17 PM False accepting
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1421 r3 1/21/2007 2:35:19 PM False accepted
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1427 r3 1/21/2007 1:15:53 PM False delayed
HomePages/Truncated r54 1/21/2007 12:46:45 PM False udpate!!!1