Edit History For User Sand

Edits by Sand

PageDateMinor EditRevision MessageActions
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S7943 r1 1/8/2023 7:41:12 AM False Auto-generated from Submission #7943
GameResources/NES/Contra r13 4/12/2022 10:24:06 PM False Link Behind the Code video.
GameResources/DOS/MegaMan r4 2/19/2022 6:29:37 AM False More information and animation for Volt skip.
GameResources/DOS/MegaMan r3 2/19/2022 6:11:02 AM True Fix typo "soubrouting"→"subroutine".
GameResources/NES/Contra r10 10/15/2021 6:40:48 PM True 05c8 counts up, not down, for Gromaides.
GameResources/NES/Contra r9 10/14/2021 12:45:45 AM False Link to Allan Blomquist's series of articles.
GameResources/NES/Contra r8 10/14/2021 12:11:21 AM True Gromaides uses 10 sprite slots total (4+1 for each arm)
GameResources/DOS/CaptainComic r8 9/22/2021 7:40:33 PM False Append "?" to try to suppress inlining of SVG link (https://github.com/adelikat/tasvideos/issues/454)
GameResources/NES/Contra r7 9/21/2021 4:12:45 PM False RAM addresses, RNG, and Gromaides behavior, from investigating the hardlock of [=forum/p/499433#499433]
GameResources/NES/Battletoads r41 9/21/2021 2:27:38 PM False Add the existing addresses list.
GameResources/DOS/CaptainComic r7 7/31/2021 4:19:36 PM True Variable name typo, tcrf.net Bugs URL changed, minor rephrasing.
GameResources/NES/SuperMarioBros3 r29 7/15/2021 11:13:01 PM True Corrections to sprite bumping from [=forum/p/507369#507369]
GameResources/NES/SuperMarioBros3 r28 7/15/2021 4:06:16 AM False Add OnehundredthCoin's Remote Sprite Bumping and Instant Sprite Bumping
GameResources/NES/MikeTysonsPunchout/RamMap r5 1/8/2021 3:09:22 AM False Add opnix's addresses from [=forum/p/502757#502757].
GameResources/DOS/CaptainComic r6 12/27/2020 7:11:47 PM False Overhaul with information since 4345M.
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S6944 r1 11/25/2020 7:12:08 PM False
GameResources/DOS/CaptainComic r5 10/11/2019 3:03:17 AM False Tested the hover glitch across revisions.
GameResources/DOS/MegaMan r2 1/30/2019 1:24:38 AM False Sewer Rat AI, other fixes.
GameResources/DOS/MegaMan r1 1/28/2019 8:02:05 AM False Start page with lessons from 3888M.
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S6192 r9 1/2/2019 9:36:09 AM False Link to new revision that saves 25 frames of loading.
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S6192 r4 12/27/2018 3:02:41 AM False
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S6192 r1 12/16/2018 4:23:43 AM False