A simple cheat utility to display the word to guess, extracted from UserFiles/Info/45942285593125145.
--reads the word to be guessed from RAM, returned as an ASCII string
--Uses readbyterange, which is actually kind of annoying! Mostly because Lua.
--Also note that Pictionary pads all words to 16 chars, and this function leaves those spaces in.
--All the code here ingores spaces anyway, so there's no point in trimming anything.
local function readWord()
local word = memory.readbyterange(0x0448, 16)
local ret = ""
for i=1,#word do
local c = word:sub(i,i):byte() --ith character, as a byte.
if c == 0x28 then --space
ret = ret.." "
elseif c>=0x0A and c<= 0x23 then --it's a letter
ret = ret..string.char(c-0x0A+65) --convert byte from Pictionary encoding to ASCII, then concatenate
ret = ret.."." --dot for unknown characters, just like the hex editor
return ret
local function main()
gui.text(5, 10, readWord())