press Start to toggle view on/off
-- Live Hoimi Table by TKG
-- How to use:
-- Run the script in DeSmuME (tools > lua scripting > new lua script window)
-- Press Start to toggle the visibility on/off
-- Addresses:
-- 0x04000130 = face button inputs (US and JP)
-- 0x02108DE0 = BT highbyte (US)
-- 0x02108DDC = BT lowbyte (US)
-- 0x02108D24 = BT highbyte (JP)
-- 0x02108D20 = BT lowbyte (JP)
-- Original BT code:
-- rand()
-- {
-- rand_seed = rand_seed * 0x5d588b656c078965 + 0x269ec3
-- return (rand_seed >> 32) & 0xffffffff
-- }
-- Colours based on Yab's hoimi table (in dark mode):
whiteStroke = "#CCCCCC"
greyStroke = "#444444"
indigoFill = "#000044"
redStroke = "#DD66CC"
redFill = "#880000"
redText = "#FFBBDD"
blueStroke = "#0088FF"
blueFill = "#000088"
blueText = "#88CCFF"
-- Other stuff:
count = 0 -- frame counter for the toggle button
BT = {} -- table for BT positions
-- My attempt at 64 bit multiplication with 16 bit math
function bt_rand()
-- BTlowHi_aLo = higher 16 bits of BT's lowbyte * lowbyte of multiplier "a"
-- BTlowLo_aLo = lower 16 bits of BT's lowbyte * lowbyte of multiplier "a"
BTlowHi_aLo = bit.rshift(lowbyte, 16) * 0x6C078965
BTlowLo_aLo =, 0xFFFF) * 0x6C078965
-- total_1 = lowest 16 bits of BTlowLo_aLo + lower 16 bits of increment "c"
-- total_2 = carry from total_1 + lower 16 bits of BTlowHi_aLo + middle 16 bits of BTlowLo_aLo + higher 16 bits of increment "c"
-- total_3 = carry from total_2 + middle 16 bits of BTlowHi_aLo + highest 16 bits of BTlowLo_aLo
-- total_4 = carry from total_3 + highest 16 bits of BTlowHi_aLo
total_1 =, 0xFFFF) + 0x9EC3
total_2 = bit.rshift(total_1, 16) +, 0xFFFF) + bit.rshift(BTlowLo_aLo, 16) + 0x0026
total_3 = bit.rshift(total_2, 16) + bit.rshift(BTlowHi_aLo, 16) + math.floor(BTlowLo_aLo / 0xFFFFFFFF)
total_4 = bit.rshift(total_3, 16) + math.floor(BTlowHi_aLo / 0xFFFFFFFF)
-- BTlowHi_aHi = higher 16 bits of BT's lowbyte * highbyte of multiplier "a"
-- BTlowLo_aHi = lower 16 bits of BT's lowbyte * highbyte of multiplier "a"
-- BTlow_aHi = combine higher and lower results
BTlowHi_aHi = bit.rshift(lowbyte, 16) * 0x5D588B65
BTlowLo_aHi =, 0xFFFF) * 0x5D588B65
BTlow_aHi = bit.lshift(BTlowHi_aHi, 16) + BTlowLo_aHi
-- BThighHi_aLo = higher 16 bits of BT's highbyte * lowbyte of multiplier "a"
-- BThighLo_aLo = lower 16 bits of BT's highbyte * lowbyte of multiplier "a"
-- BThigh_aLo = combine higher and lower results
BThighHi_aLo = bit.rshift(highbyte, 16) * 0x6C078965
BThighLo_aLo =, 0xFFFF) * 0x6C078965
BThigh_aLo = bit.lshift(BThighHi_aLo, 16) + BThighLo_aLo
-- total_5 = lower 16 bits of BThigh_aLo + lower 16 bits of BTlow_aHi + lower 16 bits of total_3
-- total_6 = carry from total_5 + higher 16 bits of BThigh_aLo + higher 16 bits of BTlow_aHi + total_4
total_5 =, 0xFFFF) +, 0xFFFF) +, 0xFFFF)
total_6 = bit.rshift(total_5, 16) + bit.rshift(BThigh_aLo, 16) + bit.rshift(BTlow_aHi, 16) + total_4
-- combine higher and lower 16 bits to complete the next highbyte/lowbyte
lowbyte = bit.bor(bit.lshift(, 0xFFFF), 16),, 0xFFFF))
highbyte = bit.bor(bit.lshift(total_6, 16),, 0xFFFF))
return highbyte
-- getResult: calculate the percentage/healing value from the output
-- rand = BT output
-- ratio = 100 for percentage or 10 for heal/hoimi spell
function getResult(rand, ratio)
result = rand / ((2 ^ 32) / ratio)
if result < 0 then result = result + ratio end -- signed to unsigned
if ratio == 100 then
return result
elseif ratio == 10 then
return math.floor(result + 0.5) + 30 -- base hoimi = 30 (rounded to nearest whole number)
-- getColour: set text and fill colours for each square on the table
function getColour(percentage, attribute)
if attribute == "fill" then
if percentage < 2 then colour = redFill
elseif percentage < 10 then colour = blueFill
else colour = "black"
elseif attribute == "text" then
if percentage < 2 then colour = redText
elseif percentage < 10 then colour = blueText
else colour = "white"
return colour
function main()
-- Read face button input (low nibble)
-- 7 = start button
buttonInput =, 0xF)
-- If start is pressed, the frame counter starts
-- The input would have to be frame perfect otherwise(?)
-- The toggle gets triggered when the counter hits 1
if buttonInput == 7 then
count = count + 1
if count == 1 then toggle = not toggle end
count = 0
if toggle then
-- ones = numbers on the top row
-- tens = numbers on the leftmost column
-- position = BT position 0-89
ones, tens, position = -1, -10, 0
-- Create squares/labels for the top row
for x = 15, 231, 24 do
ones = ones + 1, -192, x + 24, -181, indigoFill, greyStroke)
gui.text(x+9, -189, ones, "white", "clear")
-- Create squares/labels for the leftmost column
for y = -181, -21, 20 do
tens = tens + 10
if tens == 0 then tens = " " .. tens end, y, 15, y + 20, indigoFill, greyStroke)
gui.text(2, y+7, tens, "white", "clear")
-- Create square for the top left corner, -192, 15, -181, indigoFill, greyStroke)
highbyte = memory.readdword(0x02108DE0) -- read the address for BT's highbyte (32 bits)
lowbyte = memory.readdword(0x02108DDC) -- read the address for BT's lowbyte (32 bits)
BT[1] = highbyte -- add the current highbyte value to the table as position 0
BT[2] = bt_rand(highbyte, lowbyte) -- calculate and add position 1 to the table
for i = 3, 90 do BT[i] = bt_rand() end -- calculate and add positions 2-89 to the table
-- Create the main table
for y = -181, -21, 20 do -- 9 rows
for x = 15, 231, 24 do -- 10 columns
position = position + 1
percent = getResult(BT[position], 100)
hoimi = getResult(BT[position], 10)
int = string.format("%02d", percent) -- split up integer/decimals so they can fit in each box
dec = string.format("%.2f", percent)
text = getColour(percent, "text"), y, x+24, y+20, getColour(percent, "fill"), greyStroke)
gui.text(x+3, y+3, int, text, "clear")
gui.text(x+16, y+3, string.sub(dec, -2, -2), text, "clear")
gui.pixel(x+15, y+9, text, "clear") -- the decimal point
gui.text(x+3, y+11, hoimi, text, "clear")
end, -180, 38, -162, "clear", whiteStroke) -- position 0 outline, -180, 62, -162, "clear", redStroke) -- position 1 outline, -180, 86, -162, "clear", blueStroke) -- position 2 outline