User File #638557507722280309

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#638557507722280309 - TIC80 Miko Blade - first pass TAS

miko blade - TIC80 test.bk2
In 00:52.27 (3136 frames), 1738 rerecords
System: TIC-80
1 comment, 18 downloads
Uploaded 7/5/2024 4:32 AM by Darkman425 (see all 49)
Emulator used: BizHawk 2.9.1
The game is available here:
If you do check out the developer's stuff, I gotta give a small NSFW warning on some of their works outside of the TIC-80 website.
I've had this completed but probably not refined TAS input file for around for about a year. I intended to come back to this to see if there's something I missed when it comes to finishing stages early. The air dash is fast but meter management is important to keep going fast. I just haven't had the drive to come back to this for a while. With some interest in TASing TIC-80 games right now, I might as well put this up for others to see if they can improve on it. I'll accept co-authorship if anyone does go through and improve things. The game is sync friendly so single stage improvements are easy to implement.
on 7/5/2024 8:10 AM
I liked the way this tas looks. good speed and needing to manage to meter is important.
Tried it out on my browser and there is a strange bug when you die when falling into pits if you spam the Z and X (aka A and B) then the miko can spawn inside the ground at the start, then it seems like the miko dies shortly after by falling. Doubt it is useful, but interesting bug.