User File #637936906481244621

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#637936906481244621 - A2600 Bobby is Going Home Ram Watch file

Uploaded 7/17/2022 9:37 PM by TASVideoAgent (see all 129)
(Ported from Legacy Address Set 48) BizHawk Ram Watch file for A2600 Bobby is Going Home
SystemID A2600
00	d	u	1	Main RAM	Time Left
03	b	u	1	Main RAM	Y Position of Bobby
04	b	u	1	Main RAM	X Position of Bobby
05	b	u	1	Main RAM	X Position of Left-Most Floor Obstacle
07	b	u	1	Main RAM	X Position of Flying Enemy
09	b	u	1	Main RAM	Y Position of Flying Enemy
18	b	u	1	Main RAM	Respawn Timer after Dying from Touching an Obstacle
19	b	u	1	Main RAM	Respawn Timer after falling in Pit
1C	b	u	1	Main RAM	Global Timer for Enemies Moving
22	b	u	1	Main RAM	Screen Number (numbered between 0 and 255)
23	b	u	1	Main RAM	Controls Gap Size in Middle of Room
25	b	u	1	Main RAM	Timer for Bobby Moving (counts up 1 from 0 each frame to 3, then jumps back to 0. Bobby moves when it hits 0)
27	b	u	1	Main RAM	Controls what Direction Enemies Will Move (counts down 3 times per second)
29	b	u	1	Main RAM	Number of Lives Left
36	b	u	1	Main RAM	Influences Number of Sprites on Screen
38	b	u	1	Main RAM	Controls What Flying Enemy (if any) Should Spawn
41	b	u	1	Main RAM	Level Number
44	b	u	1	Main RAM	Timer Counting Down to Start of Next Level
45	b	u	1	Main RAM	Boolean which is true if on the screen with Bobby's house.