User File #637936906480352689

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#637936906480352689 - GBC SpongeBob SquarePants: Legend of the Lost Spatula Ram Watch file

Uploaded 7/17/2022 9:37 PM by TASVideoAgent (see all 129)
(Ported from Legacy Address Set 44) BizHawk Ram Watch file for GBC SpongeBob SquarePants: Legend of the Lost Spatula
SystemID GBC
03B8	b	s	0	WRAM	Y-Speed
03BA	w	s	0	WRAM	Y-Position
03BC	w	s	0	WRAM	X-Position
03C6	b	s	0	WRAM	Health (0 = Death)
0419	b	u	0	WRAM	Item On-Screen Indicator (neg is partially off-screen)
07B8	b	s	0	WRAM	Jump Height (0-14)
07B9	b	s	0	WRAM	X-Speed
0FE6	b	u	0	WRAM	Item On-Screen Y-Pos