User File #23063529510822715

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#23063529510822715 - Fritz Chess (DS), Puzzle Counter

Game: Fritz Chess ( DS, see all files )
Uploaded 5/27/2015 3:42 PM by Spikestuff (see all 285)
How about we combine Board and Puzzle.
We have a total of 997 Puzzles in Chess.
(excluding the 4 repeats at the end)
They are:
  • Mate in 1 (200)
  • Best Move (400)
  • Puzzle Medium (199)
  • Puzzle Hard (198)

00000	020FE6E4	w	u	0	Puzzle Count
00001	020FE060	w	u	0	Mate in 1 (199/200)
00002	020FE064	w	s	0	Best Move (399/400)
00003	020FE068	w	u	0	Puzzle Medium (198/199)
00004	020FE06C	w	u	0	Puzzle Hard (197/198)