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#638070707223846531 - Holes 1-4

Mario Golf - Advance Tour (USA) Holes 1-4.bk2
In 06:46.92 (24304 frames), 6083 rerecords
Uploaded 12/19/2022 6:18 PM by Technickle (see all 212)
Input ends after forfeiting Hole 4.
Also saw there were user files for this, but, it hasn't been updated since 2017, so I decided to give it a go.

#638070183740718237 - Sushi 5 frames faster

sushi 5 extra frame improvement.bk2
In 01:18.36 (4680 frames), 980 rerecords
Game: Sushi the Cat ( GBA, see all files )
Uploaded 12/19/2022 3:46 AM by Technickle (see all 212)
This file is a Co-Authorship with MarioAtWork to improve the current submission of 1:18.62

#638069980802462919 - Sushi 11-Frames

In 01:18.44 (4685 frames), 802 rerecords
Game: Sushi the Cat ( GBA, see all files )
Uploaded 12/18/2022 10:08 PM by Technickle (see all 212)
4685 input ends on the last meaningful input AKA (A) for the jump to the boss.

#638063242470381504 - Strawberry Shortcake - Ice Cream Island - Riding Camp

SS - ICI - RC After Stable.bk2
In 02:42.44 (9702 frames), 1447 rerecords
Uploaded 12/11/2022 2:57 AM by Technickle (see all 212)
Do or don't ask
WIP Input ends after Stable.

#638062407033157234 - Scooby-Doo! Unmasked

In 59:30.57 (213261 frames), 78609 rerecords
Uploaded 12/10/2022 3:45 AM by Technickle (see all 212)

Game Plot:

The game opens with Scooby-Doo and the gang visiting Fred's cousin Jed at his special effects movie studio and factory Monstrous Fright and Magic or M.F.M. Still, once they get there, Jed is missing, and his animatronics have gone haywire. They find M.F.M. CEO Winslow Stanton and his assistant Marcy, who inform them Jed is responsible for sabotaging M.F.M. and has stolen not only some expensive animatronics but also an ample supply of Mubber (a special compound used to make animatronics into life-like special effects monsters). Scooby and the gang thus take it upon themselves to track down Jed and recover the stolen items.

Movie Goals

• Bizhawk 2.8.0(mGBA)
• Goes for Fastest Completion
• Contains Speed/Entertainment trade-offs
• Takes Damage to Save Time
• Heavy Glitch Abuse
• Dog
• Genre: Action/Adventure

Costume Slide Cancels

Costume Slide Cancels are when Scooby is in a sliding state by gliding across the ground for a certain period of time. Normally the game prevents you from sliding again as, at the end of a sliding state, the animation of Scooby getting up has a lot of end lag. In order to prevent the end lag of the sliding state, Scooby must have another Costume in the inventory to switch to. Switching to the other costume will cancel the end lag state. By switching I can switch back to normal Scooby and continue sliding as long as there is enough room to navigate around. This trick is used if there is a long stretch of ground without enemies or pits.

Clue Pan Skip

Clue Pan Skip is when the camera will automatically pan across the room to show the player where the clue is located, this will waste time automatically and is slower. The way this is prevented is by using a Costume on the frame the camera will move to the clue, switch back to normal scooby or costume and it will pan back to scooby skipping the camera pan entirely.

Rollercoaster/Boss Quit Outs

Levels will finish once the player successfully either completes a rollercoaster level or a boss level. The way I am able to skip seeing the victory animation is by pressing start on the first frame of the victory music activating, and quitting to the hub area. This saves a lot of time, as it gets rid of watching the victory dance/staring into your soul Scooby will do on bosses and rollercoasters.

Clue Quit Outs

By collecting the required amount of clues not on a rescue mission, I am able to quit out and back to the main hub, this skips having to complete the rest of the level overall.


Karate: Scooby will transform into a karate-style character that allows him to kick special boxes/pallets and kill enemies in one hit.
Bat: Scooby will transform into a bat-style character that allows him to fly through the air. Bat transformation is useful for gliding long distances as long as Scooby is on a tall enough platform to skip certain sections.
Archer: Scooby will transform into an Archer-style character that allows him to shoot arrow plungers. Arrow Plungers stick to walls which allows Scooby to climb tall walls. Arrow Plungers are also used for enemies who are either too tall to jump over or need to be downed if on 1 life.
Scooby? While in theory Scooby himself is a costume, but, it's a regular moveset. Mostly used from the Costume Slide Cancels.
Costumes require Mubber to activate, so before I can transform into any costume I need the bare minimum to get them. Where I am hitting enemies for Mubber that's why.

#638060508989840238 - SDU ~ Entering Medieval Exhibit Improvement

SDU ~ Enter the Medieval Exhibit Improvement.bk2
In 38:14.00 (137015 frames), 66666 rerecords
Uploaded 12/7/2022 11:01 PM by Technickle (see all 212)
worked back up to entering the medieval exhibit.

#638059819295216022 - SDU Area 1

SDU ~ Area 1 Improvement.bk2
In 24:19.04 (87145 frames), 60550 rerecords
Uploaded 12/7/2022 3:52 AM by Technickle (see all 212)
Area 1 is complete, onto Area 2 now.

#638059511238078768 - SDU ~ Zen Tuo Defeated

Scooby-Doo! - Unmasked (USA) (En,Fr) Zen Tuo.bk2
In 24:30.58 (87834 frames), 57094 rerecords
Uploaded 12/6/2022 7:18 PM by Technickle (see all 212)
Input ends after pressing Start on the Zen Tuo textbox.
The previous file finished Cookie Factory, but, I needed 5 clues, I only had 4, so I redid the last portion again.

#638058770776418083 - SDU ~ Chinatown 1 (with Slide Costume Cancels)

Scooby-Doo! - Unmasked (USA) (En,Fr) Chinatown 1 with slide cancels.bk2
In 09:53.95 (35475 frames), 44457 rerecords
Uploaded 12/5/2022 10:44 PM by Technickle (see all 212)
397 frame improvement for Chinatown 1.
faster movement thanks to finding Slide Costume Cancels

#638058103227125361 - SDU ~ Rework WS1, WS2 & Chinatown 1

Scooby-Doo! - Unmasked (USA) (En,Fr) Re-work WS1, WS2 & Chinatown 1.bk2
In 10:02.20 (35968 frames), 40434 rerecords
Uploaded 12/5/2022 4:12 AM by Technickle (see all 212)
Decided to redo the early game again with faster strats.

#638057798381829485 - SDU ~ Enter Medieval Exhibit

Scooby-Doo! - Unmasked (USA) (En,Fr) Enter Medieval Exhibit.bk2
In 39:33.21 (141746 frames), 33905 rerecords
Uploaded 12/4/2022 7:43 PM by Technickle (see all 212)
Input ends after entering Medieval Exhibit.

#638056237205242465 - SDU ~ Chinatown 1

Scooby-Doo! - Unmasked (USA) (En,Fr) Chinatown 1.bk2
In 10:20.40 (37055 frames), 13400 rerecords
Uploaded 12/3/2022 12:22 AM by Technickle (see all 212)
Workshop 1, Workshop 2, Mystery Solved, Chinatown 1 done.

#638055472652879579 - SDU Entering Sewers

Scooby-Doo! - Unmasked (USA) (En,Fr) Up to Enter Sewers.bk2
In 02:41.38 (9639 frames), 4507 rerecords
Uploaded 12/2/2022 3:07 AM by Technickle (see all 212)
Scooby can slide, but, I use it only before entering loading zones as it saves the most time, otherwise, the slide has end lag.
Single Jumping is faster, and only double jumping is used if the platform is unreachable.
Crash Bandicoot style jump spin technique is used here and some right before a loading zone for funny animations.
Input ends as I press A on entering sewers.

#638055405894515136 - SDU Rooms 1-5

Scooby-Doo! - Unmasked (USA) (En,Fr) rooms 1-5.bk2
In 01:15.70 (4522 frames), 2477 rerecords
Uploaded 12/2/2022 1:16 AM by Technickle (see all 212)
decided to try this.

#638052906530010386 - SP 2P Improvement ~ 41 Frames

Stone Protectors (Japan) 2 Players Improvement ~ 41 frames.bk2
In 16:29.90 (59492 frames), 60144 rerecords
Uploaded 11/29/2022 3:50 AM by Technickle (see all 212)
41 frames faster from a better level 8 boss fight.

#638052717526231895 - SP 2P improvement ~ 65 Frames

Stone Protectors (Japan) 2 Players Improvement ~ 65 frames.bk2
In 16:30.57 (59532 frames), 59258 rerecords
Uploaded 11/28/2022 10:35 PM by Technickle (see all 212)
65 frames faster.

#638052047946905957 - SP 2P 69 Frame Improvement

Stone Protectors (Japan) 2 Players Improvement ~ 69 frames.bk2
In 16:31.63 (59596 frames), 58318 rerecords
1 comment, 95 downloads
Uploaded 11/28/2022 3:59 AM by Technickle (see all 212)
69 frames faster nice
also, level 10 starts on frame 54,020 for peak gamer status.

#638051157178472856 - SP 2P Improvement ~ 136 Frames

Stone Protectors (Japan) 2 Players Improvement ~ 136 frames.bk2
In 16:32.78 (59665 frames), 54502 rerecords
Uploaded 11/27/2022 3:15 AM by Technickle (see all 212)
136 frames faster

#638050976185135978 - SP 2P 96 Frames Faster

Stone Protectors (Japan) 2 Players Improvement 96 frames faster.bk2
In 16:35.03 (59800 frames), 50697 rerecords
1 comment, 84 downloads
Uploaded 11/26/2022 10:13 PM by Technickle (see all 212)
96 frames faster.

#638050402410956131 - SP 2P 151 frames faster

Stone Protectors (Japan) 2 Players Improvement 151 frames faster.bk2
In 16:36.63 (59896 frames), 48478 rerecords
1 comment, 101 downloads
Uploaded 11/26/2022 6:17 AM by Technickle (see all 212)
151 frames faster.

#638050189807464782 - Ston Proc ~ 2 Players In 16:39.12

Stone Protectors (Japan) 2 Players Improvement 413 frames faster.bk2
In 16:39.12 (60046 frames), 46314 rerecords
Uploaded 11/26/2022 12:23 AM by Technickle (see all 212)
413 frames faster.

#638047672382664769 - Stone Protectors 2 Players Submission Improvement

Stone Protectors (Japan) 2 Players Improvement 106 frames faster.bk2
In 16:45.99 (60459 frames), 38087 rerecords
Uploaded 11/23/2022 2:27 AM by Technickle (see all 212)
okay good enough.

#638046705561920205 - 2 Player Improvement (91 frames faster)

Stone Protectors (Japan) 2 Players Improvement 91 frames faster.bk2
In 16:47.82 (60569 frames), 34076 rerecords
Uploaded 11/21/2022 11:35 PM by Technickle (see all 212)
Can't catch a break. 91 frames faster now.
Replace this file with the 16:50.65 submission file

#638045656663519034 - Stone Protectors 2 Players 1649

Stone Protectors (Japan) 2 Players 1649.bk2
In 16:49.32 (60659 frames), 29267 rerecords
Uploaded 11/20/2022 6:27 PM by Technickle (see all 212)

#638044138795086982 - Stone Protectors 2P - 21 frames faster

Stone Protectors (Japan) 2 Players 1650.bk2
In 16:50.65 (60739 frames), 28682 rerecords
Uploaded 11/19/2022 12:17 AM by Technickle (see all 212)
okay, I think it's optimized, with these current strats.

Movie Goals

•Emulator Used: Bizhawk 2.8
•Game Difficulty: Easy (1 star = fastest)
•Uses 2 Players
•Beats the 1 Player movie by 31.52 seconds (or under its own "2 Players" tab) either is fine
•Takes Intentional Damage to Save time
•Manipulates RNG
•Abuses Programming Errors
•Goes for Fastest Completion Time
•Genre: Beat'em Up

What's Faster?

2 Players. While I've done a movie already that uses only 1 player, this new movie uses 2 players. The 2-player version is 31.52 seconds faster overall, using an all-out attack on enemies and bosses alike. While it's known that 2 players can always be better than it's 1 Player counterparts I didn't suspect it to be at first. However, over the course of trying multiple different ways to improve individual screens and bosses, it came out to be a lot faster.

What are the Character Choices?

There are 5 Stone Protector Characters available in a set game of 2. While not all of them are fast and or strong, there are at least two that have both fast attributes and strong attributes. Cornelius the Samurai, as seen in my 1 Player movie, can use his Mic Toss to inflict damage on bosses and enemies while facing away, and using his Vocal Reverb in the opposite spot that I can face is faster overall. For Player 2, I use Chester the Wrestler. Chester is slow while walking but can pick up speed quickly by using his closeline thunder crush attack. Just like 1 Player, I can use Chesters C.T.C to inflict damage when facing away or towards an enemy. Chesters C.T.C only takes 21 frames in total so it's right for the job.

Why punch Attack on the Bosses?

This is mostly for RNG and positioning. While using the katana knife can inflict more damage instead of punching, I do this because otherwise the attack would be blocked, or just straight up missing entirely. Chesters punches still do a lot of damage so I also do that as well with the same purpose.

Mic Toss does a lot more damage I thought is this still true?

While Mic Toss does a lot of damage, it doesn't do it quickly, which is why I was able to improve this time so drastically. Mic Toss is good for certain occasions, like on boss 1, because the RNG is optimized and punching or using the katana knife would be slower. Mic Toss is still used, but, not for bosses.

Do Gems take extra time to collect? If so why collect them?

Gems won't take up time as long as either player hasn't collected any more than 2K points worth of gems. Picking up gems is faster only because of enemy positioning, otherwise, I will have to wait longer for them to stop blocking. I pick up all the 'required' gem spots to gain an advantage otherwise it be impossible or slower. _


•Snowy Village: same as the 17:01 movie, not a way to improve here.
•Crystal Mine: Heavily improved on the boss fight here, and implemented more Mic Toss hits into the first two possible ways. Made the fight a lot faster.
•Downward: Better optimized boss fight used Thunder Crush (C.T.C) earlier with some earlier Katana hits to save time.
•Beach Party: Faster boss fight used. Got rid of the Mic Toss in favor of quicker Katana hits. Closer range with C.T.C as well.
•Forest of Mythrandir: Stayed the same from the 17:01 movie, the impeccable boss pattern I couldn't refuse to use.
•Bizarre Bizzare: Faster Frank fight, closer ranged attacks.
•Approaching the Castle: Faster Zink 2 fight saved some frames.
•In the Castle: Dramatically improved the fight here. Instead of hitting Sucker Puncher mid-air, just use the previous strat seen on Zink 2 and Frank. Saved a lot of time here.
•The Lab: Easily the best improvement here, impeccable boss RNG.
•The Lair: 21 frames saved from the 16:51.00 movie.

Possible Improvements?

As far as I can tell, there are no serious ways to improve this. There would need to be some game-breaking thing to make this faster than it already is. 16:50 was a dream goal, and I managed to get there.

Final Thoughts:

I'm happy with how this turned out. I worked hard to make this as good as it can possibly be. I crushed the 17:22 1 Player movie by over half a minute, so I'd say I'm satisfied with this as is.

SHA1: F408B6132E88BB9CDCB6FBB7DCB41723F88FE76D (Same one from the 17:22.17 movie)

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