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#15045352169512805 - NG1 pacifisting WIP57v3

In 11:38.65 (41988 frames), 120356 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/31/2014 1:17 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
I miswrote my marker note, so spawn avoidment really saves time.
Level 1: 2206 currently (without extra optimizations)

#15044857790271010 - NG1 pacifisting WIP57v2

In 11:38.78 (41996 frames), 119952 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/31/2014 12:45 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
  • 2 frames saved with 10978 enemy positioning with same "time of dog spawn" and better positioning afterwards
  • 2 frames saved by avoiding 2 guy spawn to avoid old route boost to platform

#15026643100388111 - NG1 pacifisting WIP55v5 test

In 11:38.85 (42000 frames), 118999 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/30/2014 5:03 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
Spawn delaying and avoidment is tricky and doesn't works everywhere.
3-1: starting with much better position, getting worse knife-cheetah vertical combination (11000th frame) so removed knife tosser. Same time as previous runs because of the spawn avoidment. edit: but worse next level positions
We need to somehow go through that knife-cheetah with previous method (empty, l, l : -1.5 -2.0 - 2.0 sacrfice instead of this 5*-2.0 (-5.5 < -10.0)).. subposes mostly or miraculous (spawn) delay somewhere.

#15020018877511324 - NG1 pacifist avoid enemy spawn trick

In 00:13.20 (793 frames), 118702 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/30/2014 9:54 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
Not sure if works with any object. "Spawn delaying" (pressing opposite direction for) 5 times can enemies not appear / spawn.
For comparison:
  • Object spawn avoidment: 5 * opposite direction = -10px in air, much more on ground (next time: 2-3-4 frames later)
  • Object spawn delay: -0.5px in air, -1.5px on ground each time (next time: 2-3-4 frames later)
  • interrupt juggling: -3.5px~-4.5px each time (since you are zigzagging)

#15019682868951917 - NG1 pacifisting spawn delay trick

In 00:06.86 (412 frames), 118254 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/30/2014 9:32 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
How I didn't thought of this earlier... basically the game only spawns when you reached the spawnable object's X position AND moving to that direction.
So going left at those frames when the game wants to do this, you can delay it for 2~3(4?) frames.
Saves time in certain situations (edit: because interrupt juggling freezes object positions) (3-1 start, maybe 1-1 start?), it's time to start the fucking TAS from the beginning... AGAIN =D

#14998451859765493 - NG1 pacifisting WIP54v4

In 11:38.87 (42001 frames), 115586 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/29/2014 10:35 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
  • 3-2: couldn't squeeze more pixels, can't sacrifice position because of our birdy nor the missile and walking guard's bad subpositions. Still think it's probably improvable
  • 3-3: 45 frames shaved! looks like we can hit the boss inside his hitbox if we use the opposite direction of attacking. Have no idea why this works.
  • 4-1: worse subpositions took 1 frame away but gives a slightly better knife and missile guy positions as well as no dog follows Ryu.
  • 1 frame gained on last screen
Plans: try differnt subpositions for 3-2 new situations (slot4 slot7)

#14997049079846642 - NG1 pacifisting WIP54v2

In 11:39.60 (42045 frames), 113562 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/29/2014 9:04 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
edit: 11 frames saved (12-1 delay) with new 3-2. Route changes:
  • 1 frame delay on 3-1 for next level knife tosser
  • Changed old "walljumping" to simple platforming to check possible X positions. Only 1110.5 works.
  • Keeping the first bird for 2 boosts. While the first one is somewhat as fast as the old one, the second boost let me to ignore waiting for next jumps (Ryu jumps so long in time)
  • Minimal subpositioning (taking damage boost at a bit lower levels)
Probably improvable with a few half pixels and frame(s?)

#14979094480289965 - NG1 pacifisting WIP53v6

In 11:39.78 (42056 frames), 109716 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/28/2014 1:40 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
Made another stab from the beginning. Changes:
  • First level includes headbanging to music. Probably decreases entertainment value, waiting for starman's opinion
  • Tried to spend our 1 frame delay elsewhere, but it doesn't helped in later screens
  • 2-2 last screen is perfect for me
  • 3-1 uses a little bit different route and an extra delay at the end to get better knife tosser for 3-2 (which isn't possible if you don't delay here. This is because you have no control over Ryu while boosting off the bird to time the spawn of knife tosser)
3-2 maybe improvable with half pixel which could change things.

#14960471367664459 - NG1 pacifisting WIP 52v7

In 11:39.76 (42055 frames), 105180 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/27/2014 5:32 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
Saved 1 frame on 3-1 with new route:
  • subpos manipulation on previous non-boss level
  • interrupt juggling to maximize X pos
  • interrupt juggling for 1 frame between dog and knife tosser sacrificing only half pixel
  • using "fastest" knife-cheetah (probably a half pixel can be saved?) positions (interrupt juggling timed/positioned to spawn them as fast as possible)
Sweet. Only one problem. 3-2 knife tosser became angry and hurls knives.

#14933302241624906 - NG1 pacifisting WIP51v10

In 11:39.78 (42056 frames), 103912 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/26/2014 12:10 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
Saved 1 frame on 3-2 (jump 1 frame earlier without sacrificial green guy manipulation).
3-1 would require a half pixel to improve it, doesn't seems to be implementable (even the same position isn't enough without proper interrupts).

#14932283775578750 - NG1 pacifisting WIP51v7

In 11:39.78 (42056 frames), 102910 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/26/2014 11:04 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
Saved 1 (edit: or 2? compare to last file) frame on 3-1 with different start (interrupt juggling over damage boost or avoiding without interrupts route), probably improvable (I had to use interrupt between dog and knife tosser to get fast recovery).
Also next level missile guys position fixed but the first bird hit us (so we need to jump 1 frame later, need to test which is faster (subpos manip to prvious route or jump later for better birds and knife tosser positions).

#14895766124576613 - NG1 pacifisting compacting

In 11:39.80 (42057 frames), 99615 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/24/2014 7:36 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
2 frames saved, subposes changes and different damage boosts (important half pixel after last bullet boost)

#14870573276867433 - NG1 pacifisting WIP 50

In 11:39.83 (42059 frames), 97009 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/23/2014 4:22 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
Changing (slot 5 mainly) subpositions without adding delay at 2-2 "second" screen (at RWJ from bullets) let me to skip the first knife thrower on last screen which is now even more faster.
Current 2-2 last screen route:
  • sacrificing 2.0px (8097th frame) to get "farther" knify tyson
  • somewhat bad timings but pretty good dmg boost with sacrifices
  • no sacrificing for endings
Probably 1-2 frames can be squeezed more (judging from the distance between last green soldier and Ryu). The places where I can definitely manipulate slot 5 is very few, so 2-2 second screen looks the only feasible one to waste rerecords.

#14863139447089510 - NG1 pacifisting WIP 48

In 11:40.00 (42069 frames), 92280 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/23/2014 8:20 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
Tested a LOT of different routes with different subposes and delay timing and interrupts etc, so don't be fooled by small low rerecord count. I was able to save more than 1 frame to get "similar" knife thrower in 2-2 last screen.
Saved 2 frames after jumping through guardian of ladder 2-1 with the earlier 1 frame improvement (3 frames saved).
Currently I get worse knife thrower at 2-2 last screen (slot5, knife slot 4), it looks easy to fix, however later input needs to be revised.

#14507550577629635 - NG1 pacifisting WIP39

In 11:40.01 (42070 frames), 78078 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/7/2014 8:00 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
  • 1 frame saved on 3-1 by manipulating subposes and interrupts after bird spawned before the knife thrower
  • 1 frame saved on 3-2 by a differnt RWJ damage boost after bird and different subpos manipulation afterwards for missile guys
Might be possible to save 1 frame on 3-2 but the missile guy spawn doesn't seem to manipulatable with the positions I can squeeze before hand (so I can't sacrifice enough to make it a time saver currently).

#14488312589394167 - NG1 pacifisting WIP 37

In 11:40.05 (42072 frames), 76146 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/6/2014 11:12 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
WIP version numbers: everytime I finished a test and can't continue the next ones (I need to save previous WIPs to compare various aspects of routes).
Saved 3 frames on 3-2 with:
  • faster bird RWJ
  • slightly better missile guy
  • bit worse ending missile guy
It was 6 frames but fucking timer rule on boss...
Probably syncs for a few stage 4-2 screens. Next tests:
  • 4-1 uses -2.0px to manipulate dog and missile guy. isn't it's possibl e to manipulate it something differently? (with interrupt perhaps)
  • 3-2 missile guys always ruins my tiny improvements, how do I know what is the "highest" position for him (to avoid bumping the wall and to get better boost on end of level)
  • from 3-1 to further screens: check possible 0 delay RWJ-s and interrupt optimizing.
edit: and check feos' timer trick for bosses (didn't checked it for a while)

#14376570241371213 - NG1 pacifisting WIP 32

In 11:40.05 (42073 frames), 75075 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 5/1/2014 10:26 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
Everything went well until the bird at 3-2 doesn't leaves the screen with identical input. Maybe only subpos problem, can't verify it.

#14090296261879551 - NG1 Pacifisting WIP18

In 04:17.46 (15473 frames), 14034 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/18/2014 1:00 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)

#14043550826460899 - NG1 pacifisting WIP14

In 04:01.10 (14490 frames), 8476 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/16/2014 10:29 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
Improved 2-2 last screen using sprite limits by 19 frames, 3-4 frames lost at boss fight because of score timer shit and next screen instant desyncs.

#13984838644592974 - NG1 pacifist continue until 3-3 boss

In 04:03.25 (14619 frames), 6148 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/13/2014 7:01 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
Good for comparison (already in table). Contains the ~50 frames slower boss 2 fight. The improved one is desyncs the next level.

#13976434103024553 - NG1pacifistWIP10v2

In 02:36.88 (9429 frames), 3901 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/13/2014 9:56 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
few (17?) frames saved from 7900 to boss. knife throwers are silly.
I'm a few frames ahead of the bullets so those positions should be sacrificed to manipulate subpositions and stuffs like that.

#13652716257782328 -

In 00:35.89 (2157 frames), 28196 rerecords
Uploaded 3/29/2014 8:03 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
should crash a few seconds later

#13621155559227866 -

In 00:35.89 (2157 frames), 28009 rerecords
Uploaded 3/28/2014 9:56 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
newppu sync

#13598421770779436 -

In 00:40.62 (2441 frames), 27595 rerecords
Uploaded 3/27/2014 9:22 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
try to verify this. should lead to credits or a "dark orange" background color.

#13155260348751573 - NES Werewolf improving

MESHUGGAH_Werewolf - The Last Warrior (U)_WIP30.fm2
In 03:17.63 (11878 frames), 15630 rerecords
Uploaded 3/7/2014 10:23 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 292)
Made a run from scratch with constantly comparing to published run. Everything went well until lightning and the boss.
Level 1 - 8 frames improved
  • 1 frame saved by starting earlier at “1 player push start”
  • 1 frame saved by better jumping to next scene (looks like it saved by different RNG/In-game timer)
  • Hidden wallzipping probably saved a frame, since boss spawn is faster too
  • 1 frame saved by ending the scene with jump
  • 1 frame saved somewhere around falling down vertically after getting inside the wall
  • Probably 3 frames saved at boss battle
Note: Combining arrow+claw damage is slower at boss (random bug)
Level 2 (Mad City) - 7 frames improved
  • 1 frame faster before picking up powerups, not really sure about that
  • Probably 6 frames faster after double powerups by better jumping
Level 3 - 1 frame lost
  • 1 frame lost at lightning #29, has something to do with in-game timer. My lightning appears ~12 frames faster.
Boss - More frames are lost
  • Boss timer is ~12 frames slower, diminishing my total improvements to 4 frames.
TODO: debug this sheet
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