This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
1095 N64 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter by mmbossman in 36:37.42
3190 N64 Ucchan Nanchan no Honou no Challenge: Denryuu IraIra Bou by TASeditor in 05:56.65
2489 N64 Ucchan Nanchan no Honō no Challenge: Denryū IraIra Bō by asutoro in 05:57.30
886 N64 Wetrix "1 minute challenge" by Deign in 00:49.72
1982 N64 Yoshi's Story by Bobmario511 in 10:39.67
1849 N64 Yoshi's Story by Comicalflop in 11:00.23
5644 N64DD Mario Artist: Polygon Studio "Go-Go-Park" by Darkman425 in 01:09.22
3650 NES 10-Yard Fight (Japan) by DrD2k9 in 09:21.13
5703 NES 5-STAR by LoganTheTASer in 02:03.01
1158 NES 8 Eyes "2 players" by Slotermeyer in 16:40.28
1514 NES A Boy and His Blob by Aglar in 01:56.67
883 NES A Boy and His Blob by Aqfaq in 01:57.95
851 NES A Boy and His Blob by Aqfaq in 02:09.03
527 NES A Boy and His Blob by GuanoBowl in 03:24.23
375 NES A Boy and His Blob by GuanoBowl in 04:05.47
2692 NES A Boy and His Blob by MESHUGGAH, Zephyrz & Aglar in 01:19.14
79 NES A Boy and His Blob by Sjoerd in 05:36.55
378 NES A Boy and His Blob by TheAxeMan in 03:37.00
248 NES A Nightmare on Elm Street "1 player" by -ziplock- in 16:31.93
108 NES A Nightmare on Elm Street "1 player" by Jackic in 19:37.25
780 NES A Nightmare on Elm Street "1 player" by Randil in 14:32.88
784 NES A Nightmare on Elm Street "4 Players" by chupapi in 16:15.75
4265 NES A Nightmare on Elm Street "4 Players" by Samsara in 14:45.21
5621 NES A Nightmare on Elm Street: Son of a Hundred Maniacs by LoganTheTASer in 06:23.42
5202 NES A Simple Platformer Game by Cephla in 03:06.03

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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