This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
3552 PSX Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver by mamuuuut & lapogne36 in 21:01.23
5611 PSX Klonoa: Door to Phantomile by lapogne36, inconsistent & amoser in 32:57.81
2396 PSX Klonoa: Door to Phantomile by lapogne36 in 45:25.80
3720 PSX Klonoa: Door to Phantomile by lapogne36 in 34:46.37
5582 PSX Klaymen Gun-Hockey by somyeol in 08:23.00
5904 PSX Kingsley's Adventure by inconsistent in 38:32.98
4557 PSX King's Field by lapogne36 in 10:29.23
4750 PSX Kart Challenge by hndfhng in 13:48.68
5993 PSX Jackie Chan Stuntmaster by EZGames69 in 05:07.79
4958 PSX Hot Wheels: Extreme Racing "Rollcage, unlimited gears" by somyeol in 23:30.84
3972 PSX Hogs of War by TommyeAsY in 52:46.73
4123 PSX Heart of Darkness by lapogne36 in 25:30.41
3420 PSX Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by Shima33 in 1:14:00.20
2540 PSX Guilty Gear by Cooljay & NhatNM in 07:11.58
4836 PSX Grid Runner "100%" by Angie52Shirogane in 32:55.60
Judging by the street name, you're a KGB agent... Which explains a lot, actually! 3951 PSX Grand Theft Auto 2 by Noxxa in 04:15.84 Judging by the street name, you're a KGB agent... Which explains a lot, actually!
5946 PSX Gradius Gaiden "2 players" by zggzdydp in 34:07.82
Diagonal Facing Frog 2610 PSX Frogger: He's Back! "100%" by CaneofPacci in 47:55.88 Diagonal Facing Frog
1891 PSX Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge by CoolKirby in 18:49.05
Rinoa's Angelo Cannon 1835 PSX Final Fantasy VIII by DarkKobold in 8:08:32.98 Rinoa's Angelo Cannon
4033 PSX Final Fantasy VII by Lil_Gecko in 6:30:35.51
5451 PSX Final Fantasy VII by Lil_Gecko in 6:05:29.42
4800 PSX Final Fantasy VII "no slots" by Lil_Gecko in 6:10:51.06
3817 PSX Final Fantasy IX by Lil_Gecko in 7:58:48.17
4305 PSX Final Fantasy IX by Lil_Gecko in 7:58:17.77

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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