This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotId TitleDescription
5435 Flash Tower of Heaven by ikuyo in 01:45.22
5434 C64 Maze-Mania by nymx in 03:42.60
5433 NES Action 52: Sombreros by LoganTheTASer in 04:23.88
5432 NES Hot Seat Harry by OtakuTAS in 01:42.18
5431 GC Mortal Kombat: Deception "Arcade Mode" by SJ in 09:48.98
5430 PSX Tail Concerto by JHolleworth in 1:02:07.37
5429 SNES Alcahest by jafem in 33:25.81
5428 N64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "glitchless, all main quests" by SwordlessLink in 3:26:38.63
5427 Arcade Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters "Rescue Roll!, 2 players" by CoolHandMike in 03:09.36
5426 PICO8 Astra and the New Constellation "minimum stardust" by rythin in 09:53.47
5425 O2 Helicopter Rescue! "maximum score" by Randomno in 01:55.31
5424 GBA Feline by Alyosha in 02:29.71
5423 GBA Coin Fall by Cephla & Alyosha in 00:55.13
5422 NES Action 52: Fuzz Power by LoganTheTASer in 01:25.46
5421 SVI3x8 SASA by Randomno in 03:54.24
5420 PSX Monster Rancher 2 by NhatNM in 58:54.55
5419 C64 Space Dock by nymx in 00:16.63
5418 GBA Powerpig by Darkman425 & Alyosha in 04:30.19
5417 Wii Mortal Kombat: Armageddon "Konquest mode" by SJ in 1:54:03.00
5416 Windows LISA: The First "all endings" by Spikestuff in 08:30.50
5415 NES Rockman no Constancy (hard) by CUI in 27:39.20
5414 NES Underground Adventure "game end glitch" by Cephla, LoganTheTASer & DrD2k9 in 00:19.50
5413 SNES Mario Forever: SMW Edition "Human Laboratory World" by MrTASer in 04:09.01
5412 Genesis Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "100%" by ShiningProdigy9000, Takz15x & Zurggriff in 31:22.02
5411 PSX Sled Storm "playaround" by somyeol & Gawrit in 18:30.17

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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