This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
Being far below just means you'll be detonated instead of being toasted. 1705 DOS Jazz Jackrabbit "Holiday Hare 1995" by Ilari in 02:52.25 Being far below just means you'll be detonated instead of being toasted.
Don't make levels pass close to exit when player has weapons that ignore walls. 1704 DOS Jazz Jackrabbit "Holiday Hare 1994" by Ilari in 02:23.76 Don't make levels pass close to exit when player has weapons that ignore walls.
Get ready! 2643 DOS Jazz Jackrabbit "extra episodes" by Ilari, Noxxa & slamo in 14:35.87 Get ready!
1727 DOS Hocus Pocus "Episode 2" by IsraeliRD in 13:48.60
If this game was realistic, you'd be dead. 1680 DOS Hocus Pocus "Episode 1" by IsraeliRD in 15:09.62 If this game was realistic, you'd be dead.
4391 DOS Hero's Quest by c-square, mrprmiller & davidtki in 00:40.90
3294 DOS Hero's Quest by c-square & mrprmiller in 00:42.92
3639 DOS Hero's Quest by c-square & mrprmiller in 00:41.91
5220 DOS Hero's Quest "maximum score" by davidtki in 10:38.73
4773 DOS Ford Simulator III by slamo in 04:27.09
1634 DOS Epic Pinball "Super Android" by dwangoAC in 05:07.53
3637 DOS Epic Pinball "Enigma" by DrD2k9 in 01:36.81
3693 DOS Duke Nukem: Episode 3 - Trapped in the Future! by slamo in 06:48.15
3193 DOS Duke Nukem: Episode 2 - Mission: Moonbase by slamo in 06:56.82
5139 DOS Duke Nukem: Episode 1 - Shrapnel City by SioN in 06:58.92
1544 DOS Duke Nukem: Episode 1 - Shrapnel City by Foone in 07:08.13
3738 DOS Duke Nukem II "Episode 2" by slamo in 06:27.46
3715 DOS Duke Nukem II "Episode 1" by slamo in 05:30.07
Isn't that jetpack supposed to... explode? 1718 DOS Dangerous Dave by Ilari in 06:32.80 Isn't that jetpack supposed to... explode?
3684 DOS D/Generation by slamo in 05:56.63
3706 DOS Crystal Caves: Volume 1 - Troubles with Twibbles by DungeonFacts in 20:33.15
2531 DOS Commander Keen: Keen Dreams by slamo in 04:40.12
3031 DOS Commander Keen: Keen Dreams by slamo in 04:15.13
Where we're going, we don't need roads 2013 DOS Commander Keen: Episode 6 - Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter! by turska in 03:20.25 Where we're going, we don't need roads
Commander Keen is evading Shikadi 1977 DOS Commander Keen: Episode 5 - The Armageddon Machine by turska in 02:02.46 Commander Keen is evading Shikadi

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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