This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
All Only Descriptions Missing Descriptions
3908 GG The GG Shinobi "all upgrades" by Greenalink in 09:17.93
3909 NES Dr. Mario "all levels" by poco_cpp in 06:20.76
Simba bypasses a barrier in an unintended way. 3910 SMS The Lion King by EZGames69 in 06:23.83 Simba bypasses a barrier in an unintended way.
3911 NES Moai-kun by aiqiyou & J.Y in 12:56.44
Sacrificing a player to save time. 3912 NES Contra (Japan) "2 players" by Mars608, aiqiyou, zyr2288 & fcxiaopengyou in 08:43.04 Sacrificing a player to save time.
3913 GBA Riviera: The Promised Land by Flameberger in 3:13:02.05
3914 Arcade Tetris the Absolute: The Grand Master 2 Plus "T.A. Death" by Steelix100 in 03:25.58
3915 C64 Portal by DrD2k9 in 03:48.50
3916 NES Contra (Japan) "pacifist" by Mars608 & aiqiyou in 08:55.47
Simba jumps through obstacles. 3917 Genesis The Lion King 2 by EZGames69 in 07:54.96 Simba jumps through obstacles.
3918 SNES Super Mario All-Stars: Super Mario Bros. 3 "warps" by Maru in 10:23.51
3919 C64 The Rat by DrD2k9 in 04:30.82
Mickey and Donald fight a giant flower. 3920 SNES Disney's Magical Quest 3 Starring Mickey & Donald "2 players" by KusogeMan in 24:30.49 Mickey and Donald fight a giant flower.
3921 NES Nim & Nom "2 players" by kaizoman666 in 05:19.92
3922 NES Super Mario Bros. 3 "warps" by Lord_Tom, Maru & Tompa in 10:24.34
3923 NES The Immortal by DrD2k9 in 09:25.37
3924 PSX Animorphs: Shattered Reality by Fizztastic in 30:28.83
3925 Linux INK by lexikiq in 08:52.57
3926 NES Donkey Kong Jr. by Aglar, Aqfaq, Ferret_Warlord & Jigwally in 01:03.84
3927 Linux INK "all coins" by lexikiq in 09:20.10
3928 Genesis DecapAttack by Sonikkustar & EZGames69 in 19:36.50
3929 C64 Snoopy by EZGames69 in 08:45.91
3930 NES Shadowgate "game end glitch" by DrD2k9, Zekna & Randil in 04:17.09
3931 GB Tobu Tobu Girl "all levels" by Eltrion & ThunderAxe31 in 02:42.92
3932 DS Tetris Party Deluxe "Sprint" by Taechuk in 00:43.04

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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