This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
3461 Vboy Nester's Funky Bowling by Spikestuff, MESHUGGAH in 01:02.70
1542 Vboy Red Alarm by Ryuto in 14:07.54
3619 Vboy Teleroboxer by MESHUGGAH & Ryuto in 05:38.07
3490 Vboy Teleroboxer by MESHUGGAH & Ryuto in 05:38.09
1519 Vboy Teleroboxer by Ryuto in 05:40.42
1566 Vboy Virtual Boy Wario Land "best ending" by adelikat in 21:53.28
4560 Vboy Virtual Boy Wario Land "best ending" by EZGames69, Bloopiero & Cyorter in 20:23.61
1528 Vboy Virtual Boy Wario Land by adelikat in 18:39.56
1510 Vboy Virtual Boy Wario Land by adelikat in 19:19.50
4052 Vboy Virtual Boy Wario Land by Bloopiero & Cyorter in 17:27.33
3699 Vboy Waterworld by Noxxa in 12:43.66
5459 VEC HyperChase by Lobsterzelda in 02:09.72
4380 VEC Spike by EZGames69 in 04:31.04
2679 Wii Anubis II by CoolKirby in 02:17.48
5972 Wii Bonsai Barber "Perfect Day" by PurpleSun in 01:55.12
3466 Wii Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth by zggzdydp in 18:29.40
2605 Wii Doc Louis's Punch-Out!! by McHazard in 01:40.15
4925 Wii Donkey Kong Country Returns by TheRandomMaster, SpeedyTheHedgehog & Jaiden in 1:25:02.95
3410 Wii GoldenEye: 007 "007 Classic difficulty" by FitterSpace in 1:41:35.67
3140 Wii Gummy Bears Minigolf by Fog in 12:27.13
2969 Wii Mega Man 9 by AngerFist, diggidoyo in 30:20.98
6008 Wii Mortal Kombat: Armageddon "Arcade" by KusogeMan in 07:01.67
5889 Wii Mortal Kombat: Armageddon "Arcade, Kreate-a-Fighter" by KusogeMan in 06:38.42
6009 Wii Mortal Kombat: Armageddon "Endurance" by KusogeMan in 05:56.38
5771 Wii Mortal Kombat: Armageddon "Endurance, Kreate-a-Fighter" by KusogeMan in 05:18.98

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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