This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotId TitleDescription
1185 GB Minesweeper by FractalFusion in 00:32.17
1184 NES Trojan by adelikat in 06:16.73
1183 32X The Amazing Spider-Man: Web of Fire by mmbossman in 07:10.07
1182 GBA Spider-Man 3 by mmbossman in 15:38.73
1181 NES Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six by mmbossman in 05:27.41
1180 Genesis Ecco: The Tides of Time by upthorn in 47:38.72
1179 NES Double Dragon II: The Revenge "2 players" by adelikat in 08:54.05
1178 NES RoboCop 3 by dragonxyk in 05:09.82
1177 SMS King's Quest: Quest for the Crown by BZero in 02:58.87
1176 N64 Super Mario 64 "0 stars" by SilentSlayers & Johannes in 05:33.85
Samus finds herself being chased by... the Cyrillic alphabet...? 1175 GB Metroid II: Return of Samus "select glitch" by Ferret Warlord in 23:47.40 Samus finds herself being chased by... the Cyrillic alphabet...?
1174 NES Kick Master by dragonxyk in 08:31.54
1173 GBA Naruto: Ninja Council by Cardboard in 11:04.30
1172 NES The Blues Brothers by J.Y in 04:27.95
1171 NES Snake's Revenge by Dammit in 31:36.79
1170 GBA Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones by cheetah 7071 in 1:06:48.93
1169 GBC The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX "warp glitch" by Chef Stef in 05:40.05
1168 GBA Castlevania: Circle of the Moon "warp glitch" by Cardboard in 05:21.58
1167 Genesis Twinkle Tale by Mitjitsu in 17:33.58
1166 SNES Demon's Crest "100%" by ElectroSpecter in 36:14.45
1165 SNES The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse by Cardboard & Recca in 15:28.97
Prior to GTA 1164 NES Jackal "1 player" by klmz in 07:25.98 Prior to GTA
1163 NES Demon Sword by Xipo in 06:10.96
1162 GBA Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance "Maxim, in bounds" by Comicalflop & zggzdydp in 12:45.68
1161 NES Shadowgate by Randil in 08:56.20

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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