This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
2429 GBC Rayman 2 by got4n in 25:35.66
5931 GBC Rampart "Easiest" by Natetheman223 in 00:18.46
6125 GBC Quartet "maximum score" by CasualPokePlayer in 46:32.97
6387 GBC Prince of Persia by eien86, TimmyAkmed & NintendoHardGamer in 04:18.97
6422 GBC Prince of Persia "Training mode" by eien86 in 00:54.17
5892 GBC Power Rangers Time Force by tetre in 18:21.93
5265 GBC Power Rangers Time Force by MamaLuigiMomsLotsaSpaghetti in 20:00.23
6249 GBC POWA! by dekutony in 11:56.10
4912 GBC Pong: The Next Level by ShesChardcore in 03:19.10
3664 GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version by TiKevin83 in 1:36:41.68
4379 GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version by TiKevin83 in 1:36:26.54
1582 GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version "save glitch" by p4wn3r in 01:43.27
Throw Master Ball at door, ???, profit! 1678 GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version "save glitch" by p4wn3r in 01:36.95 Throw Master Ball at door, ???, profit!
What a terrible glitch mess... 1702 GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version "save glitch" by p4wn3r in 01:27.23 What a terrible glitch mess...
Many error. 1860 GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version "save glitch" by p4wn3r in 01:09.63 Many error.
1123 GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version "save glitch" by gia in 02:06.28
3880 GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version "game end glitch" by TiKevin83 in 09:52.81
Buying a useful item. 3901 GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version "game end glitch" by TiKevin83 in 09:47.92 Buying a useful item.
3358 GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version "arbitrary code execution" by MrWint in 05:48.28
Pi 2341 GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version "arbitrary code execution" by FractalFusion in 03:14.15 Pi
This is just the beginning.  It gets worse. 2187 GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version "arbitrary code execution" by bortreb in 12:51.87 This is just the beginning. It gets worse.
1637 GBC Pokémon: Trading Card Game by p4wn3r & FractalFusion in 21:40.67
3442 GBC Pokémon: Trading Card Game by anonymous user in 21:49.40
3485 GBC Pokémon: Trading Card Game by anonymous user in 21:30.96
4189 GBC Pokémon: Trading Card Game by anonymous user in 16:42.69

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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