This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
4639 Saturn Myst by Spikestuff in 03:55.30
3810 Saturn NiGHTS into Dreams... "all levels" by Nye in 19:26.62
4982 Saturn Puzzle & Action: Nido aru koto wa Sand-R "2 players" by Darkman425 in 31:07.47
5950 Saturn Resident Evil "Battle Game" by Fortranm in 05:49.70
2615 Saturn Saturn Bomberman "Master Game" by th2o & VicoV in 10:12.86
6013 Saturn Shienryu "maximum score" by PearlASE in 1:04:59.92
3770 Saturn Shinobi Legions by zoboner in 21:15.08
3642 Saturn Silhouette Mirage by Nye in 27:07.88
3579 Saturn Steamgear Mash by Nye in 11:16.48
4061 Saturn Super Tempo by adelikat in 48:25.60
3487 Saturn Tryrush Deppy by Nye in 21:41.90
1305 SegaCD Heart of the Alien by Aqfaq in 05:19.03
5815 SegaCD Jurassic Park by Induviel in 16:09.43
5831 SegaCD Mary Shelley's Frankenstein by Induviel in 19:16.14
4894 SegaCD Night Striker "pacifist, playaround" by Darkman425 in 16:08.13
5630 SegaCD Penn & Teller's Smoke and Mirrors: Desert Bus "maximum score" by CasualPokePlayer in 33:02:00:34.44
3317 SegaCD Prince of Persia by Challenger in 19:09.80
4793 SegaCD Rise of the Dragon by Rebcart in 09:25.86
4765 SegaCD Rise of the Dragon by Rebcart in 09:33.82
5710 SegaCD Sonic the Hedgehog CD by marzojr & Tuffcracker in 16:42.46
2797 SegaCD Sonic the Hedgehog CD by marzojr in 17:04.27
1148 SegaCD Sonic the Hedgehog CD by nitsuja & upthorn in 18:04.75
1188 SegaCD Sonic the Hedgehog CD by nitsuja in 17:27.65
3719 SegaCD Sonic the Hedgehog Megamix by Evil_3D, kaan55, nitsuja & WST in 13:52.91
5916 SegaCD Wild Woody by Induviel in 12:54.36

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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