This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
All Only Descriptions Missing Descriptions
2582 NES Zelda II: The Adventure of Link "warpless" by Inzult & Rising Tempest in 45:42.13
2583 NES Rockman 4 Minus Infinity by tianwodeai in 35:40.26
2584 PSX Castlevania: Symphony of the Night "Richter mode" by pirate_sephiroth & ForgoneMoose in 05:39.85
2585 A2600 Dodge 'Em by yep2yel & morningpee in 00:52.93
2586 Genesis Sorcerer's Kingdom by ars4326 in 1:01:40.93
2587 GC Luigi's Mansion "Hidden Mansion" by solarplex in 10:11.85
2588 NES Super Mario Bros. 3 "game end glitch" by Lord_Tom & Tompa in 02:54.98
2589 Genesis Michael Jackson's Moonwalker by Odongdong in 18:53.64
2590 Windows Ikachan "warp glitch" by arandomgameTASer in 03:31.56
2591 Genesis ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron "best ending" by Flip in 49:23.95
2592 SNES Chrono Trigger by keylie in 2:17:08.86
2595 A2600 Spider-Man by Noxxa in 03:04.04
2596 Windows VVVVVV "game end glitch" by Scepheo in 00:45.63
2597 Windows VVVVVV by Scepheo in 08:45.87
2598 PSX Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee by Samtastic & Dooty in 27:01.27
2599 A2600 Seaquest by morningpee in 01:39.80
2600 SNES Super Metroid "game end glitch" by Cpadolf in 12:54.71
2601 NES Mega Man "game end glitch" by pirohiko & finalfighter in 00:32.11
2602 Genesis Traysia by ars4326 in 1:13:16.18
2603 PSX Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! by lapogne36 & Crash41596 in 07:32.47
2604 SNES Super Mario World "game end glitch" by Masterjun in 00:41.98
2605 Wii Doc Louis's Punch-Out!! by McHazard in 01:40.15
2606 PSX Mega Man X5 "All Stages" by Shuy_ & Bernka in 43:38.93
2607 NES Double Dragon II: The Revenge "2 players" by Xipo in 08:21.61
2608 GC Crazy Taxi by solarplex in 05:53.18

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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