This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
696 Genesis Pulseman by Twisted Eye in 25:16.02
862 Genesis Pulseman "no motion glitch" by IdeaMagnate in 33:57.15
1824 Genesis Puggsy by Sonikkustar in 18:00.73
5362 Genesis Pringles by LoganTheTASer in 01:43.98
5717 Genesis Pringles by LoganTheTASer & Tompa in 01:41.43
5360 Genesis Pringles "all As" by LoganTheTASer in 02:40.51
5718 Genesis Pringles "all As" by LoganTheTASer & Tompa in 02:35.72
173 Genesis Prince of Persia by SprintGod in 19:45.35
1193 Genesis Prince of Persia by Aqfaq in 19:03.48
4535 Genesis Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame by eien86 in 19:39.18
2965 Genesis Pocket Monster II by dekutony in 03:55.75
3272 Genesis Pocket Monster by zoboner in 07:57.70
4620 Genesis Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure by Juarez in 10:09.00
2475 Genesis Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure by Dooty in 11:01.90
2204 Genesis Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure by beelzebub in 13:04.23
240 Genesis Pit-Fighter by nesrocks in 06:30.53
The elbow of doom 1667 Genesis Pit-Fighter by adelikat in 04:48.22 The elbow of doom
3464 Genesis Pink Panther in Pink Goes to Hollywood by wesen in 14:50.91
1420 Genesis Phantasy Star IV by janus in 1:35:58.80
1488 Genesis Phantasy Star IV by janus in 1:28:43.40
He doesn't believe it. 1959 Genesis Phantasy Star IV by janus in 1:28:15.97 He doesn't believe it.
2474 Genesis Phantasy Star IV by janus in 1:26:34.35
4184 Genesis Phantasy Star IV by janus in 1:25:29.44
3863 Genesis Phantasy Star IV "macro glitch" by Jiseed in 20:33.04
Busts are pretty cool 2335 Genesis Phantasy Star IV "all sidequests, Blast from the Past" by janus in 1:59:10.18 Busts are pretty cool

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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