This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
3239 NES Super C "1 player" by Xipo, feos & Koh1fds in 11:50.40
830 NES Super C "2 players" by Baxter & adelikat in 12:20.02
3726 NES Super C "2 players" by Soig in 11:25.49
4555 NES Super C "2 players" by zyr2288 & aiqiyou in 11:18.72
2276 NES Super C "pacifist" by Heidman in 13:21.40
2046 NES Super Contra 7 "1 player" by Marx in 04:39.87
4382 NES Super Contra 7 "2 players" by Mars608, aiqiyou, retroNES in 04:27.56
2094 NES Super Contra 7 "2 players" by Marx in 04:33.12
5392 NES Super Contra 7 "pacifist" by longbao in 04:49.32
742 NES Super Dodge Ball by Dasrik in 05:47.16
4976 NES Super Dodge Ball by ShesChardcore & Dasrik in 05:27.66
4082 NES Super Donkey Kong 2 by illayaya, Memory, Bluely, Bloopiero & feos in 02:11.63
3489 NES Super Glove Ball by link_7777 in 02:08.24
3648 NES Super Mario Bros. "all items" by Mars608, chatterbox & HappyLee in 19:50.04
6012 NES Super Mario Bros. "arbitrary code execution" by OnehundredthCoin in 04:52.65
2977 NES Super Mario Bros. "maximum coins" by TEHH_083, HappyLee & CuteQt in 26:10.25
4444 NES Super Mario Bros. "minimum A presses" by HappyLee, Kriller37, DaSmileKat, Kosmic & periwinkle in 10:24.39
1331 NES Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by adelikat, klmz & andrewg in 18:44.48
3728 NES Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by HappyLee & Mars608 in 18:36.78
1349 NES Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by HappyLee in 18:41.70
1194 NES Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by HappyLee in 18:48.82
1106 NES Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by HappyLee in 18:49.65
3665 NES Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by MrWint in 18:37.46
275 NES Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by Phil & Genisto in 18:57.73
262 NES Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by Phil & Genisto in 18:59.28

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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