This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
2481 NES Double Dragon II: The Revenge "1 player" by Xipo in 09:17.78
267 NES Double Dragon II: The Revenge "1 player" by QBOB in 10:21.90
632 NES Double Dragon by Phil in 11:15.12
624 NES Double Dragon by Phil in 10:25.92
52 NES Double Dragon by Phil in 09:35.15
485 NES Double Dragon by Phil in 08:57.47
3211 NES Double Dragon by Alyosha in 08:50.28
3079 NES Double Dare by tormented in 06:23.73
3390 NES Double Dare by TheRealThingy in 06:16.81
Standard trivia 2174 NES Double Dare by goofydylan8 in 06:26.48 Standard trivia
5237 NES Donkey Kong: Original Edition by adelikat & Spikestuff in 01:25.67
5125 NES Donkey Kong: Original Edition "all items" by GoddessMaria in 01:33.63
2802 NES Donkey Kong: Original Edition "all items" by adelikat in 01:33.83
3789 NES Donkey Kong, DK Jr., DK 3 & DK Jr. Math by Cyorter in 01:18.39
4880 NES Donkey Kong Jr. Math "Calculate B" by ShesChardcore & Cephla in 00:41.28
4722 NES Donkey Kong Jr. Math "Calculate B" by Cephla in 00:55.99
423 NES Donkey Kong Jr. by Ferret Warlord in 01:13.23
855 NES Donkey Kong Jr. by Aqfaq & Ferret Warlord in 01:13.05
1078 NES Donkey Kong Jr. by Aqfaq & Ferret Warlord in 01:12.95
3926 NES Donkey Kong Jr. by Aglar, Aqfaq, Ferret Warlord, Jigwally in 01:03.84
1388 NES Donkey Kong Jr. by Aglar, Aqfaq & Ferret Warlord in 01:12.81
Diddy Kong dodges Kritters while racing along a metal walkway. 4366 NES Donkey Kong Country 4 by illayaya & crazyjesse in 12:56.27 Diddy Kong dodges Kritters while racing along a metal walkway.
359 NES Donkey Kong by Phil in 01:17.78
Two franchises crossed over. Wait what! 1352 NES Donkey Kong by Phil in 01:08.67 Two franchises crossed over. Wait what!
356 NES Donkey Kong by OmnipotentEntity in 01:20.55

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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