This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
All Only Descriptions Missing Descriptions
1335 PCECD Castlevania: Rondo of Blood "Maria mode" by adelikat, arukAdo & paul_t in 24:23.47
1336 NES Extra Mario Bros. by HappyLee in 19:24.68
1337 NES Kid Dracula by adelikat, Randil, arukAdo & DarkKobold in 19:49.12
1338 NES Wizardry: The Knight of Diamonds by MiezaruMono in 01:12.81
1339 Genesis Jewel Master by arkiandruski in 09:40.28
1340 NES Kiwi Kraze: A Bird-Brained Adventure! by max12187566 & J.Y in 02:24.28
5721 PSX The Fifth Element by McKniggediKnack in 28:26.45
1341 PCECD Castlevania: Rondo of Blood by arukAdo in 23:17.78
5722 Genesis Tom and Jerry: Frantic Antics! by LoganTheTASer in 05:43.93
5723 Arcade Namco Classic Collection Vol. 2: Dig Dug Arrangement "2 players" by SFan in 12:27.40
1342 Arcade X-Men vs. Street Fighter "playaround" by SDR in 11:38.38
5724 PCECD Beyond Shadowgate by alexheights1 in 12:17.72
1343 Genesis Shining in the Darkness by DarkKobold in 43:27.20
5725 ZXS Bugaboo by alexheights1 in 04:36.88
5726 C64 Maze Master by nymx in 00:20.26
1344 SMS Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse by AngerFist & wwmarx in 13:40.35
5727 SNES Brain Lord "all dungeons" by ZoroarkGX in 1:11:48.02
1345 NES Contra (Japan) "pacifist" by adelikat in 09:41.36
5728 PICO8 Cyclo 8 by Merl_, rythin & hiii in 01:35.87
1346 NES Mega Man 2 by Shinryuu, pirohiko & finalfighter in 23:54.75
5729 Linux Nuclear Throne by rythin in 02:43.80
1347 GB Trip World by Mukki in 06:59.75
1348 NES Excitebike by Lord_Tom in 05:29.44
5730 NES Rockman 2 - Gray Zone by CUI in 26:11.20
5744 SNES Prince of Persia by Challenger & eien86 in 32:33.90

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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