Most recent changes in texts

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861 862 863 888 889
610S (r2) DeHackEd 3:29 PM Diff
613S (r2) Bisqwit 3:18 PM Diff
632S (r1) SprintGod 5:50 AM Diff
HomePages/Zurreco (r22) Zurreco added MMZ info 11:23 PM Diff
631S (r1) braceyj 7:23 PM Diff
TextFormattingRules (r14) Bisqwit 1:04 PM Diff
System/SubmissionImportant (r8) Bisqwit 1:02 PM Diff
630S (r1) Zer0 12:59 PM Diff
629S (r2) Bisqwit 10:23 AM Diff
629S (r1) TheAxeMan 10:23 AM Diff
628S (r1) braceyj 10:12 AM Diff
621S (r7) Phil 4:36 AM Diff
627S (r2) Bisqwit 8:47 PM Diff
627S (r1) braceyj 6:44 PM Diff
320M (r2) DeHackEd 11:17 AM Diff
320M (r1) DeHackEd 1:41 AM Diff
625S (r6) Bisqwit 8:24 PM Diff
626S (r4) Bisqwit 8:20 PM Diff
626S (r3) OgreSlayeR 8:20 PM Diff
626S (r2) Bisqwit 7:55 PM Diff
625S (r5) jecy 11:23 AM Diff
626S (r1) OgreSlayeR 8:37 AM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r24) Bisqwit VBA: how to record from power-on 8:35 AM Diff
625S (r4) jecy 7:28 AM Diff
625S (r3) Bisqwit 7:14 AM Diff
625S (r2) jecy 7:09 AM Diff
625S (r1) jecy 4:07 AM Diff
624S (r1) slash_star_dash 3:21 AM Diff
624S (r2) BoltR 3:21 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/Rockman (r17) Bisqwit Added an illustration for the up+down trick 9:36 PM Diff
HomePages/BoltR (r7) BoltR Added MZM to my completed movies, added news of version2 8:46 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/Rockman (r15) Bisqwit Reorganized and rewrote most of the page. 3:06 PM Diff
Glossary (r15) Bisqwit +"frame", +complaining 8:11 AM Diff
623S (r3) Bisqwit 6:27 AM Diff
319M (r1) Bisqwit 6:26 AM Diff
534S (r4) Bisqwit 8:10 PM Diff
623S (r2) Bisqwit 7:36 PM Diff
623S (r1) BoltR 7:05 AM Diff
621S (r6) Ouzo 3:54 PM Diff
622S (r1) braceyj 2:29 PM Diff
621S (r5) Ouzo 9:16 AM Diff
621S (r4) Ouzo 7:47 AM Diff
621S (r3) Ouzo 5:52 AM Diff
621S (r2) Ouzo 5:12 AM Diff
621S (r1) Ouzo 4:17 AM Diff
620S (r1) spoonshiro 4:03 AM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r106) Phil 10:38 PM Diff
619S (r1) Neofix 9:27 PM Diff
618S (r2) Neofix 9:00 PM Diff
604S (r2) DeHackEd 3:01 PM Diff
601S (r1) BillBull 4:38 AM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r23) Bisqwit Game Boy rules 9:04 AM Diff
313M (r2) Kyrsimys Updated the description 8:24 AM Diff
618S (r1) Neofix 9:54 PM Diff
501S (r3) Neofix 9:33 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r105) Phil 8:26 PM Diff
617S (r2) slash_star_dash 1:54 PM Diff
PublisherGuidelines (r6) Bisqwit 11:47 AM Diff
172S (r1) Bisqwit 9:41 AM Diff
141S (r1) Bisqwit 9:41 AM Diff
134S (r1) Bisqwit 9:41 AM Diff
131S (r1) Bisqwit 9:41 AM Diff
616S (r2) Bisqwit 7:54 AM Diff
617S (r1) slash_star_dash 7:23 AM Diff
480S (r2) slash_star_dash 7:21 AM Diff
616S (r1) yagz 6:37 AM Diff
615S (r2) BoltR 1:00 AM Diff
615S (r1) Acmlm 1:00 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/Rygar (r5) Walker_Boh 2:14 PM Diff
TODO (r60) Truncated suggestion for transfering stars 12:44 PM Diff
111M (r8) Bisqwit +hype of new movie 12:12 PM Diff
317M (r2) Truncated link to rygar tricks 11:59 AM Diff
System/FrontPage (r29) Bisqwit a minor reorganization, GB links 11:24 AM Diff
317M (r1) Bisqwit 7:26 AM Diff
HomePages/Truncated (r24) Bisqwit 11:02 PM Diff
PublisherGuidelines (r5) Bisqwit rewrote 6:49 PM Diff
315M (r1) DeHackEd 1:35 PM Diff
Helping (r15) Bisqwit link to GameResources 10:49 PM Diff
FAQ (r56) Bisqwit 5:26 PM Diff
Links (r10) Bisqwit 5:19 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/Rygar (r4) Walker_Boh 4:50 PM Diff
588S (r3) DeHackEd 2:33 PM Diff
578S (r3) DeHackEd 1:21 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/Rygar (r2) Bisqwit cleaned up the markup, added something 1:03 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/Rygar (r1) Walker_Boh 11:36 PM Diff
608S (r2) Monthenor 9:09 PM Diff
614S (r3) GeminiSaint 9:03 PM Diff
570S (r5) Bisqwit 6:40 PM Diff
609S (r5) Bisqwit 6:39 PM Diff
612S (r3) Bisqwit 6:35 PM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r22) Bisqwit +and homebrew 1:42 PM Diff
614S (r2) Bisqwit 1:37 PM Diff
614S (r1) GeminiSaint 1:35 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r104) Phil 12:43 PM Diff
613S (r1) Walker_Boh 9:56 AM Diff
611S (r3) GSGold 9:44 AM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit/Projects (r2) Bisqwit 7:53 AM Diff
314M (r2) Bisqwit 7:25 AM Diff
HomePages/BillBull (r32) BillBull 6:38 AM Diff
HomePages/BillBull (r31) BillBull Adding a personal flair 3:43 AM Diff
1 2
861 862 863 888 889

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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