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721 722 723 877 878
339M (r3) Bisqwit removing H264 notice, it should be wideknown enough already 12:39 AM Diff
600M (r2) Bisqwit removing H264 notice, it should be wideknown enough already 12:39 AM Diff
522M (r4) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
895M (r3) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
706M (r3) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
389M (r2) Truncated good morning. description. 12:39 AM Diff
329M (r3) BillBull 12:39 AM Diff
601M (r2) Bisqwit author's comments (historic movie) 12:39 AM Diff
690M (r3) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
592M (r4) Bisqwit Ninja 5-0 makes a fairer comparison; Umihara Kawase is completely on another level. 12:39 AM Diff
293M (r2) Truncated update to new version 12:39 AM Diff
602M (r2) Bisqwit author's comments (historic movie) 12:39 AM Diff
605M (r2) Bisqwit author's comments (historic movie) 12:39 AM Diff
609M (r2) Bisqwit comments from author and a comment from Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
586M (r3) JXQ description, and "plays at hardest level" 12:39 AM Diff
614M (r2) Bisqwit comments from author 12:39 AM Diff
615M (r3) Bisqwit comments from author 12:39 AM Diff
650M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
812M (r2) adelikat Description added. 12:39 AM Diff
485M (r4) Warp 12:39 AM Diff
646M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
369M (r2) Kyrsimys updated description 12:39 AM Diff
655M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
426M (r2) nitsuja this has been needing a description for months 12:39 AM Diff
467M (r3) Kyrsimys wrote a description 12:39 AM Diff
470M (r1) Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
471M (r1) Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
561M (r9) Brushy Fixed the link 12:39 AM Diff
819M (r1) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
412M (r2) Kyrsimys updated description 12:39 AM Diff
820M (r1) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
654M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
372M (r2) Kyrsimys a crappy description 12:39 AM Diff
628M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
836M (r1) DeHackEd speeling 12:39 AM Diff
837M (r2) DeHackEd Replaced due to changed submission before publication. My bad. 12:39 AM Diff
626M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
846M (r1) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
842M (r2) adelikat Description updated. 12:39 AM Diff
876M (r1) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
826M (r2) JXQ took care of TODO - new screenshot. It was not an easy choice, and it's not set in stone. Feel free to discuss. 12:39 AM Diff
312M (r2) Truncated link to rygar tricks 12:39 AM Diff
854M (r2) moozooh rewrote the description. 12:39 AM Diff
545M (r5) Nach Hey, here's a history lesson for you! 12:39 AM Diff
442M (r4) Nach Reword 12:39 AM Diff
857M (r1) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
546M (r2) Truncated description with quotes. removed takes no damage since 1 hit = kill 12:39 AM Diff
862M (r2) Kyrsimys a little rewording 12:39 AM Diff
806M (r4) FractalFusion description 12:39 AM Diff
504M (r2) Bisqwit A note about SGB border and cropping 12:39 AM Diff
548M (r1) DeHackEd Initial description, along with a new screen shot. 12:39 AM Diff
543M (r2) Truncated abuses AI as opposed to luck manipulation. 12:39 AM Diff
310M (r5) Arc expanded description of game 12:39 AM Diff
322M (r2) xebra Added description text 12:39 AM Diff
864M (r1) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
866M (r2) moozooh expanded the description. 12:39 AM Diff
865M (r2) moozooh expanded description. 12:39 AM Diff
528M (r5) JXQ The time is actually shown just before the credits 12:39 AM Diff
807M (r2) FractalFusion added description 12:39 AM Diff
803M (r2) FractalFusion description 12:39 AM Diff
647M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
677M (r3) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
875M (r2) Xkeeper adding US title 12:39 AM Diff
568M (r9) Nach Lets use more exact files sizes 12:39 AM Diff
649M (r2) adelikat described, I guess 12:39 AM Diff
637M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
805M (r3) adelikat Broken link removed 12:39 AM Diff
809M (r5) Nach Cross linking runs 12:39 AM Diff
802M (r2) DeHackEd Gotta reword it a bit. 12:39 AM Diff
780M (r2) Arc expanded description of game 12:39 AM Diff
879M (r2) moozooh corrected a million mistakes, then rewrote the description. 12:39 AM Diff
622M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
363M (r10) Nach Removing old note 12:39 AM Diff
643M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
624M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
638M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
632M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
648M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
336M (r5) FractalFusion removed pov 12:39 AM Diff
620M (r2) adelikat desribed 12:39 AM Diff
576M (r13) adelikat Re-adding this :| 12:39 AM Diff
509M (r4) Nach 12:39 AM Diff
535M (r2) Zurreco 12:39 AM Diff
798M (r2) Zurreco 12:39 AM Diff
621M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
295M (r5) Kyrsimys a more descriptive description 12:39 AM Diff
888M (r1) adelikat Description updated 12:39 AM Diff
863M (r6) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
892M (r1) DeHackEd 12:39 AM Diff
766M (r3) Truncated fixed tabs for the times 12:39 AM Diff
429M (r1) Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
898M (r3) moozooh improved the description somewhat… 12:39 AM Diff
583M (r2) JXQ Added screenshot. Used advpng -4 -z and pngout...hopefully it's compressed good :\ Also added to description 12:39 AM Diff
617M (r2) adelikat A description added 12:39 AM Diff
562M (r3) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
495M (r2) Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
689M (r3) Phil Replaced screenshot for smaller one. 12:39 AM Diff
367M (r4) Kirkq 12:39 AM Diff
502M (r2) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
629M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
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721 722 723 877 878

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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