Most recent changes in texts

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639 640 641 892 893
Minimum (r11) Brandon Added a justification for the page to the introduction. 8:20 AM Diff
Screenshots (r55) sgrunt more of a lead-in for the page 8:12 AM Diff
Screenshots (r54) sgrunt notes on the file size limit and some means that have been used other than direct PNG optimisation in pathological cases 8:09 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r932) Brandon 8:02 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r931) Brandon #1 Uploader. 7:16 AM Diff
3225S (r4) Baxter 6:17 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas/Genesis (r69) Sonikkustar 5:12 AM Diff
3227S (r2) MUGG 3:56 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r930) Brandon New roles. 3:46 AM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy/HighDefinition (r64) sgrunt update the command line and script in this undermaintained page 3:33 AM Diff
HomePages/GabCM (r115) GabCM Coder -> Site code intern 3:30 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r929) Brandon 3:28 AM Diff
3228S (r5) GabCM 2:42 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r928) Brandon 12:36 AM Diff
Staff (r88) sgrunt rearrange some of the listings so we have one less tab 12:28 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r256) Sonikkustar 12:25 AM Diff
3225S (r3) sgrunt fix formatting 12:24 AM Diff
3206S (r5) FractalFusion 12:21 AM Diff
MovieStatistics/Codecs (r94) Ilari A couple new encodes 11:58 PM Diff
Staff (r87) sgrunt starman role no longer exists 11:50 PM Diff
HomePages/Ilari (r1) Ilari Initial content 11:41 PM Diff
3229S (r3) Ilari 11:25 PM Diff
3228S (r4) Nach 11:23 PM Diff
2402S (r9) MarbleousDave closed YouTube channel 11:23 PM Diff
3226S (r2) Nach 11:22 PM Diff
3229S (r2) Nach 11:21 PM Diff
Staff (r86) sgrunt user-specific privileges module and a link to the (shortly to be created) role maintenance log 11:18 PM Diff
3229S (r1) Ilari 11:15 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r927) Brandon 11:14 PM Diff
3228S (r2) sgrunt use the YouTube module; add link to patch 10:48 PM Diff
Minimum (r10) Brandon SMB in 156 presses. 10:46 PM Diff
1188M (r4) Flygon Oh cock, used the completely wrong word... cock IS legal in America as it is in Top Gear, right? 10:22 PM Diff
3228S (r1) Cpadolf 9:48 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy/Encoding (r17) sgrunt 9:23 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy/PreEncoding (r44) sgrunt 9:23 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy/HybridEncodeScript (r15) sgrunt use PC.601 for downloadables too 9:22 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy/HybridEncodeScript (r14) sgrunt YouTube x264 colour space flags 9:08 PM Diff
Minimum (r9) Brandon Simplified the ranking system. 8:01 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r926) Brandon 7:48 PM Diff
HomePages/AKheon (r6) AKheon update 7:38 PM Diff
HomePages/NitroGenesis (r67) NitroGenesis 5:25 PM Diff
Minimum (r8) Brandon 4:40 PM Diff
3227S (r1) MUGG 2:05 PM Diff
HomePages/NitroGenesis (r66) NitroGenesis 11:38 AM Diff
3226S (r1) Brandon 8:26 AM Diff
3225S (r2) sgrunt 5:52 AM Diff
3225S (r1) y479021776 4:15 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r923) Brandon 9:19 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r921) Brandon 9:08 PM Diff
TextFormattingRules/ListOfModules (r47) sgrunt document above option 9:04 PM Diff
HomePages/sgrunt (r54) sgrunt showcasing a new module option 9:02 PM Diff
HomePages/NitroGenesis (r65) NitroGenesis 8:51 PM Diff
3214S (r20) sgrunt 8:42 PM Diff
1843M (r1) Toothache 8:33 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r920) Brandon 7:22 PM Diff
3214S (r16) DarkKobold 7:22 PM Diff
Minimum (r6) Brandon Page moved from MinimumButtons to Brandon/MinimumButtons 7:01 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon/MinimumPresses (r4) Brandon Page deleted 6:57 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon/MinimumHolds (r2) Brandon Page deleted 6:57 PM Diff
Minimum (r5) Brandon Merged. 6:57 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon/MinimumPresses (r3) adelikat Page moved from MinimumPresses to Brandon/MinimumPresses 6:44 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon/MinimumPresses (r2) Brandon Added the first MPTAS (Don't look it sucks). 6:42 PM Diff
3197S (r12) Nahoc Encoding... 5:55 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r918) Brandon 4:45 PM Diff
MoviesList/ALL (r97) Ilari Last page to switch to movieslist module 1:44 PM Diff
MoviesList/GG (r3) Ilari Modulify 1:36 PM Diff
TextFormattingRules/ListOfModules (r46) Ilari Document MoviesList 1:28 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r917) Brandon 9:10 AM Diff
MoviesList/GBA (r26) Ilari 8:51 AM Diff
MoviesList/ALL (r96) Ilari 8:51 AM Diff
1814M (r2) Zeupar Updated a link 8:43 AM Diff
Minimum (r3) Brandon Scoring. 8:27 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon/MinimumHolds (r1) Brandon 8:19 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r916) Brandon 7:54 AM Diff
3197S (r11) sgrunt 7:05 AM Diff
3197S (r10) computerbird 6:54 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r915) Brandon 5:45 AM Diff
1842M (r2) OmegaWatcher 5:20 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r914) Brandon 4:36 AM Diff
1842M (r1) GabCM 1:19 AM Diff
1658M (r7) GabCM Added link to AKheon's other MK movies. 1:13 AM Diff
1790M (r2) GabCM Added link to AKheon's other MK movies. 1:13 AM Diff
TODO (r131) Ilari That page no longer exists 11:58 PM Diff
1220S (r3) Ilari Add movie file 9:31 PM Diff
1221S (r3) Ilari Add movie file 9:30 PM Diff
195S (r2) sgrunt 9:30 PM Diff
196S (r2) sgrunt 9:30 PM Diff
1204S (r3) Ilari Add movie file 9:29 PM Diff
197S (r2) sgrunt 9:29 PM Diff
1206S (r3) Ilari Add movie file 9:29 PM Diff
198S (r2) sgrunt 9:29 PM Diff
1207S (r3) Ilari Add movie file 9:28 PM Diff
277S (r3) sgrunt 9:28 PM Diff
1208S (r3) Ilari Add movie file 9:28 PM Diff
279S (r5) sgrunt 9:28 PM Diff
1209S (r5) Ilari Add movie file 9:27 PM Diff
280S (r5) sgrunt 9:27 PM Diff
1203S (r3) Ilari Add movie file 9:27 PM Diff
281S (r4) sgrunt 9:26 PM Diff
282S (r3) sgrunt 9:26 PM Diff
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639 640 641 892 893

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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