Most recent changes in texts

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782 783 784 880 881
1866S (r1) hero_of_the_day 1:02 AM Diff
1857S (r7) ccfreak2k 10:40 PM Diff
1066M (r1) ccfreak2k 10:31 PM Diff
1864S (r4) Ferret_Warlord Classifications + some other stuff 7:03 PM Diff
HomePages/adelikat (r126) adelikat Added space for abandoned/unfinished wips 5:35 PM Diff
1865S (r1) Aqfaq 5:08 PM Diff
1847S (r13) ccfreak2k 8:02 AM Diff
1065M (r1) ccfreak2k 7:38 AM Diff
1864S (r2) Ferret_Warlord 6:52 AM Diff
1864S (r1) Ferret_Warlord 6:47 AM Diff
1064M (r1) adelikat 5:13 AM Diff
1063M (r2) adelikat Description more updated 5:12 AM Diff
1063M (r1) adelikat 4:55 AM Diff
1828S (r5) adelikat 2:22 AM Diff
1857S (r6) adelikat 11:44 PM Diff
HomePages/Arc (r75) Arc mm 8:06 PM Diff
1061M (r1) adelikat 7:16 PM Diff
HomePages/Deign (r50) Deign Deign are get published 6:53 PM Diff
HomePages/adelikat (r125) adelikat Publication updates 6:52 PM Diff
1060M (r1) adelikat 6:46 PM Diff
1858S (r5) Bisqwit 6:44 PM Diff
1858S (r4) Bisqwit 6:43 PM Diff
1057M (r2) adelikat A description added 6:17 PM Diff
1863S (r3) Cpadolf 6:00 PM Diff
1058M (r1) adelikat 5:50 PM Diff
1057M (r1) adelikat 5:27 PM Diff
1861S (r2) Nach Rejecting 2:23 PM Diff
1863S (r2) Cpadolf 2:23 PM Diff
1862S (r3) Aqfaq Removed a few desynched screenshots. 11:36 AM Diff
1862S (r2) TASVideoAgent added screenshots 5:56 AM Diff
1857S (r5) TASVideoAgent added screenshots 5:46 AM Diff
1852S (r2) TASVideoAgent added screenshots 5:41 AM Diff
821S (r9) TASVideoAgent added screenshots 5:21 AM Diff
1055M (r1) adelikat 5:02 AM Diff
HomePages/mmbossman (r36) mmbossman Updated future projects 4:09 AM Diff
1809S (r11) Bisqwit 3:33 AM Diff
1830S (r5) Bisqwit 3:31 AM Diff
1837S (r8) Bisqwit 3:31 AM Diff
1777S (r4) Bisqwit 3:31 AM Diff
1841S (r4) adelikat 2:39 AM Diff
1856S (r2) adelikat 1:07 AM Diff
793M (r7) moozooh updated the link to ingame-oriented any% 12:27 AM Diff
1863S (r1) Cpadolf 11:31 PM Diff
1053M (r2) Deign Added link to alternate 99 lives run 10:17 PM Diff
1862S (r1) Aqfaq 8:41 PM Diff
1861S (r1) BigBoct 7:13 PM Diff
1857S (r4) Phil Fix some grammar errors and added missing explanation and words 7:01 PM Diff
HomePages/zggzdydp (r14) zggzdydp 4:13 PM Diff
1842S (r7) X2poet 6:59 AM Diff
1842S (r6) X2poet 2:47 AM Diff
1842S (r5) X2poet 2:40 AM Diff
HomePages/FractalFusion/DosGames (r14) FractalFusion reuploaded Keen 5 in 18:02 2:29 AM Diff
HomePages/adelikat (r122) adelikat Movie & submission update 2:10 AM Diff
HomePages/Deign (r49) Deign Update to SMB3 Warps 2:02 AM Diff
1053M (r1) Bisqwit 2:00 AM Diff
1860S (r3) KRocketneo 11:46 PM Diff
1860S (r2) KRocketneo 11:44 PM Diff
1860S (r1) KRocketneo 11:41 PM Diff
1859S (r3) Bisqwit 11:39 PM Diff
HomePages/Deign (r48) Deign Added SMB3 11:18 PM Diff
1859S (r1) Deign 10:45 PM Diff
1858S (r1) JXQ 10:45 PM Diff
1846S (r4) Truncated rejected 12:52 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r190) Phil Low priority project done. Time to continue current ones. 9:00 AM Diff
1857S (r1) Phil 8:41 AM Diff
HomePages/Deign (r47) Deign Added Castlevania 5:16 AM Diff
HomePages/BioSpark (r22) BioSpark unassisted run update 4:06 AM Diff
1856S (r1) Deign 4:04 AM Diff
1855S (r4) Deign Big apologies for this =( found more framage 10:17 AM Diff
1855S (r2) Deign 9:11 AM Diff
1855S (r1) Deign 9:06 AM Diff
1853S (r2) Deign Found at least 1 frame improvement that I thought I had exhausted all options in attempting to gain, but was obviously wrong 8:27 AM Diff
1854S (r1) mz 6:59 AM Diff
1853S (r1) Deign 3:59 AM Diff
1850S (r4) JXQ Canceled 8:48 PM Diff
HomePages/P.JBoy/Dump (r44) P.JBoy input stuff 4:59 PM Diff
1851S (r6) Xipo 5:55 AM Diff
HomePages/mmbossman (r35) mmbossman Turok revision 3:15 AM Diff
878M (r7) upthorn Reverting to previous version, pending discussion with adelikat about the extent of Phil's involvement 9:22 PM Diff
878M (r6) DeHackEd I think Phil does deserve credit, so just slide it into an existing sentence. 9:07 PM Diff
1844S (r5) adelikat 8:36 PM Diff
HomePages/moozooh/About (r21) moozooh new records, again (and phantasm cleared as well) 7:04 AM Diff
1620S (r5) Xipo 2:36 AM Diff
1838S (r4) adelikat 9:03 PM Diff
1049M (r2) adelikat .avi replaced - redownload 7:36 PM Diff
1836S (r5) adelikat 5:25 PM Diff
1826S (r4) KRocketneo 3:31 PM Diff
1852S (r1) Aqfaq 3:22 PM Diff
1052M (r1) adelikat 3:22 PM Diff
HomePages/adelikat (r121) adelikat Various formatting & content updates 8:39 AM Diff
GameResources/SNES/SuperMarioWorld (r30) P.JBoy fixed broken link 8:06 AM Diff
GameResources/SNES/SuperMarioWorld (r28) JXQ Added intra-links 3:14 AM Diff
GameResources/SNES/SuperMarioWorld (r27) JXQ unicode arrow replacements 2:49 AM Diff
GameResources/SNES/SuperMarioWorld (r26) JXQ more than a minor update, not quite a major update 2:36 AM Diff
1851S (r5) Xipo 2:36 AM Diff
1844S (r4) adelikat 7:39 PM Diff
1849S (r4) adelikat 7:31 PM Diff
1851S (r4) Xipo 1:25 PM Diff
1851S (r3) Xipo 1:21 PM Diff
1851S (r2) Xipo 1:15 PM Diff
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782 783 784 880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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