Most recent changes in texts

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706 707 708 880 881
Movies/GruefoodDelight (r42) sgrunt remove reference to Alden, per his request in the thread 2:52 PM Diff
2728S (r3) Nach 9:53 AM Diff
1560M (r2) sgrunt How could I not mention the record-setting submission text? 9:47 AM Diff
1560M (r1) sgrunt 9:39 AM Diff
Movies/GruefoodDelight (r40) Critical_five 6:56 AM Diff
2716S (r3) FractalFusion 5:26 AM Diff
2710S (r3) FractalFusion accept 4:09 AM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r142) FractalFusion about pcsx BIOS 1:42 AM Diff
Encoders (r20) Flygon Fixed some minor errors regarding my segment 1:08 AM Diff
2707S (r17) GlitchMan 10:25 PM Diff
2707S (r16) GlitchMan 9:07 PM Diff
2704S (r7) FractalFusion 8:53 PM Diff
Movies/GruefoodDelight (r38) Critical_five New layout + updates + some YT links ... but still a lot to do 7:32 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/N64 (r17) Nahoc 7:03 PM Diff
2720S (r8) adelikat 6:04 PM Diff
2730S (r1) Nomade 5:32 PM Diff
2729S (r1) Dooty 3:41 PM Diff
2728S (r2) andymac 12:24 PM Diff
2728S (r1) andymac 12:19 PM Diff
2727S (r11) Bag_of_Magic_Food more on BombMan's HP counting thing, whoops 10:53 AM Diff
HomePages/Flygon (r124) Flygon This ought to motivate me to get the new page done at some point in my life 5:07 AM Diff
2727S (r10) klmz decision: accepted 4:05 AM Diff
2727S (r9) Bag_of_Magic_Food A bit more on BombMan 1:58 AM Diff
2727S (r8) Bag_of_Magic_Food A bit more on BombMan 1:57 AM Diff
2727S (r7) Bag_of_Magic_Food A bit more on BombMan 1:54 AM Diff
HomePages/MUGG (r39) MUGG 6:04 PM Diff
2727S (r3) Bag_of_Magic_Food Trick for passing through people 6:59 AM Diff
2727S (r1) Bag_of_Magic_Food 6:03 AM Diff
2725S (r3) hikaru 3:19 AM Diff
HomePages/alden/PopularGames (r4) Critical_five Update + Headings 12:47 PM Diff
HomePages/Morimoto (r6) Critical_five Morimoto's movies 6:53 AM Diff
HomePages/FractalFusion (r87) FractalFusion almost done 6:44 AM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r141) Critical_five Fix a few internal links 6:26 AM Diff
1542M (r2) sgrunt YouTube 6:20 AM Diff
HomePages/OmnipotentEntity (r4) OmnipotentEntity This page is stupid. 12:12 AM Diff
TODO (r122) Velitha 9:28 PM Diff
1559M (r2) NitroGenesis 9:22 PM Diff
HomePages/MUGG (r37) MUGG 8:26 PM Diff
2726S (r2) MUGG 8:22 PM Diff
2726S (r1) MUGG 8:14 PM Diff
2721S (r12) Gamerskillsfull 6:42 PM Diff
HomePages/andrewg (r4) andrewg 5:38 PM Diff
1559M (r1) sgrunt 4:27 PM Diff
2705S (r5) sgrunt 4:11 PM Diff
2720S (r7) adelikat 4:06 PM Diff
Guidelines/Legacy (r59) henke37 adding example of shallow games 1:58 PM Diff
2725S (r2) hikaru 4:53 AM Diff
2725S (r1) hikaru 4:50 AM Diff
HomePages/adelikat/Movies (r52) adelikat Add new SMB3 movie 6:05 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/Rockman (r82) henke37 magnet beam explanation 2:17 PM Diff
2720S (r6) GlitchMan 1:22 PM Diff
GameResources/GBA/MegaManZero (r7) klmz Several tricks. 1:00 PM Diff
2721S (r8) Gamerskillsfull 3:14 AM Diff
2721S (r4) Gamerskillsfull Landing altitude 3:05 AM Diff
HomePages/adelikat/Movies (r51) adelikat new submission 2:42 AM Diff
2722S (r5) adelikat 2:32 AM Diff
2707S (r15) GlitchMan 2:25 AM Diff
2724S (r1) AngerFist 12:33 AM Diff
2722S (r4) adelikat 12:25 AM Diff
2722S (r3) adelikat 12:20 AM Diff
2722S (r2) adelikat 12:19 AM Diff
2722S (r1) adelikat 12:17 AM Diff
2721S (r2) Gamerskillsfull Further explanation of the movie as well as the game itself 11:37 PM Diff
2719S (r4) neo_omegon 12:08 PM Diff
2716S (r2) NitroGenesis 10:35 AM Diff
2721S (r1) Gamerskillsfull 2:14 AM Diff
HomePages/Deign (r56) Deign 1:23 AM Diff
HomePages/Deign (r55) Deign 1:17 AM Diff
HomePages/Flygon (r116) Flygon Updated a tad 11:27 PM Diff
HomePages/FractalFusion (r86) FractalFusion DS secret progress 5:28 PM Diff
2720S (r5) GlitchMan 12:31 PM Diff
2720S (r4) GlitchMan 12:07 PM Diff
2720S (r3) GlitchMan 12:05 PM Diff
2720S (r2) GlitchMan 10:33 AM Diff
2720S (r1) GlitchMan 10:11 AM Diff
2719S (r2) neo_omegon 9:45 AM Diff
2719S (r1) neo_omegon 9:38 AM Diff
GameResources (r83) klmz Fixed the table. 9:12 AM Diff
2717S (r4) klmz Replaced movie file so that it doesn't begin with savestate. 9:01 AM Diff
2705S (r4) FractalFusion movie class 3:07 AM Diff
2705S (r3) FractalFusion accept 2:56 AM Diff
1555M (r5) mklip2001 12:34 AM Diff
1555M (r4) mklip2001 more details 11:24 PM Diff
2718S (r2) hikaru 7:53 PM Diff
2718S (r1) hikaru 7:19 PM Diff
1323M (r3) NitroGenesis 5:54 PM Diff
1558M (r1) fsvgm777 4:19 PM Diff
2717S (r3) aglasscage 3:22 PM Diff
2717S (r2) aglasscage 3:21 PM Diff
2717S (r1) aglasscage 3:17 PM Diff
2707S (r14) GlitchMan 11:55 AM Diff
2707S (r13) GlitchMan 11:54 AM Diff
2707S (r12) GlitchMan 11:53 AM Diff
2707S (r11) GlitchMan 11:50 AM Diff
2707S (r10) GlitchMan 6:40 PM Diff
2707S (r9) GlitchMan 6:37 PM Diff
2707S (r8) GlitchMan 6:34 PM Diff
2714S (r12) fsvgm777 4:26 PM Diff
2714S (r11) fsvgm777 4:24 PM Diff
2714S (r10) adelikat 4:19 PM Diff
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706 707 708 880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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