Most recent changes in texts

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685 686 687 880 881
HomePages/Memory/Roles (r17) sgrunt adjust link to encoding guide 4:29 PM Diff
Helping (r65) sgrunt adjust encoding guide links and some of the text in the encoding section 4:28 PM Diff
EncoderGuidelines (r35) sgrunt adjust more encoding guide links 4:25 PM Diff
EmulatorResources (r42) sgrunt adjust link to encoding guide 4:24 PM Diff
ArticleIndex (r76) sgrunt adjust link to encoding guide 4:23 PM Diff
EncoderGuidelines (r34) sgrunt adjust encoding guide links 4:21 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/JPC/MovieDumpingR11 (r3) sgrunt adjust link to encoding guide 4:20 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy/Packaging (r18) sgrunt de-namespace links 4:18 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy/Encoding (r12) sgrunt de-namespace links 4:18 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy/PreEncoding (r22) sgrunt de-namespace links 4:18 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r25) sgrunt de-namespace links 4:17 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Logo (r26) sgrunt de-namespace links 4:17 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy/Requirements (r10) sgrunt de-namespace links 4:16 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy (r5) sgrunt de-namespace links 4:16 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy/Packaging (r17) sgrunt Page moved from Sgrunt/EncodingGuide/Packaging to EncodingGuide/Packaging 4:16 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy/Encoding (r11) sgrunt Page moved from Sgrunt/EncodingGuide/Encoding to EncodingGuide/Encoding 4:16 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy/PreEncoding (r21) sgrunt Page moved from Sgrunt/EncodingGuide/PreEncoding to EncodingGuide/PreEncoding 4:16 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r24) sgrunt Page moved from Sgrunt/EncodingGuide/VideoDumping to EncodingGuide/VideoDumping 4:16 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/Logo (r25) sgrunt Page moved from Sgrunt/EncodingGuide/Logo to EncodingGuide/Logo 4:16 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/JPC/JRSRFormat (r4) Ilari Rewrite most of stuff 3:21 PM Diff
2852S (r3) mmbossman 6:23 AM Diff
1628M (r1) Aktan 8:13 PM Diff
HomePages/alden/PopularGames (r7) Critical_five added pokémon 8:07 PM Diff
2856S (r4) p4wn3r 7:06 PM Diff
2854S (r7) Aktan 4:12 PM Diff
2856S (r3) p4wn3r 3:42 PM Diff
2854S (r6) Cpadolf 10:34 AM Diff
GameResources/GBA/CastlevaniaAriaOfSorrow (r5) rhebus Add more examples, and analyse average speed of different movement patterns 8:56 AM Diff
2856S (r2) p4wn3r 4:41 AM Diff
2856S (r1) p4wn3r 4:39 AM Diff
1266S (r2) sgrunt 1:30 AM Diff
EditorGuidelines (r48) Ilari Add note about characters in page name 11:38 PM Diff
GameResources/GBA/CastlevaniaAriaOfSorrow (r4) adelikat Page moved from GameResources/GBx/Castlevania:AriaOfSorrow to GameResources/GBx/CastlevaniaAriaOfSorrow 10:47 PM Diff
GameResources/GBA/CastlevaniaAriaOfSorrow (r3) moozooh added some content, optimized links, and improved markup (made it closer to Super Metroid Tricks) 9:48 PM Diff
Movies/GruefoodDelight (r62) Critical_five added new video modules again + rearranged the overall order of movies 8:37 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/JPC (r19) Ilari Fix link 8:05 PM Diff
GameResources/GBA/CastlevaniaAriaOfSorrow (r2) Kriole Spelling Errors 7:00 PM Diff
GameResources/GBA/CastlevaniaAriaOfSorrow (r1) rhebus New article for Castlevania:AoS 5:42 PM Diff
729M (r2) mklip2001 more serious description 1:59 PM Diff
2853S (r3) Baxter 10:55 AM Diff
2829S (r19) klmz TOUCH 4:35 AM Diff
2855S (r3) adelikat 12:34 PM Diff
2829S (r18) klmz Resetting due to emulation problems 6:57 AM Diff
2829S (r17) klmz Resetting due to emulation problems 6:55 AM Diff
2855S (r2) Mc_GeeK 5:31 AM Diff
2829S (r15) klmz Judging 5:23 AM Diff
2855S (r1) Mc_GeeK 5:22 AM Diff
2851S (r5) DarkKobold 2:23 AM Diff
2851S (r4) DarkKobold 10:36 PM Diff
2835S (r7) klmz the author is probably improving the last level 8:35 PM Diff
HomePages/klmz (r193) klmz Correction: Alden's skipped game list is not out-dated, but instead incomplete 8:22 PM Diff
HomePages/p4wn3r (r3) p4wn3r 6:16 PM Diff
2854S (r4) Kriole More Tricks 10:54 AM Diff
2854S (r3) Kriole 7:53 AM Diff
1627M (r4) FractalFusion 6:51 AM Diff
1627M (r3) FractalFusion reword 3:37 AM Diff
HomePages/p4wn3r (r1) p4wn3r 2:53 AM Diff
1627M (r1) GabCM 2:47 AM Diff
2823S (r7) FractalFusion accept 11:23 PM Diff
2830S (r14) Nach 11:06 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/MikeTysonsPunchout (r21) adelikat Link to Soda Strats 7:19 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/MikeTysonsPunchout/SodaStrats (r1) adelikat Create page (mostly with TODOs) 7:19 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/MikeTysonsPunchout (r20) adelikat Add link to Piston II page 7:06 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/MikeTysonsPunchout/Piston2Strats (r1) adelikat Create page (mostly with TODOs) 7:04 PM Diff
2824S (r7) Baxter 4:28 PM Diff
2854S (r2) Kriole 3:02 PM Diff
2845S (r4) Baxter 2:45 PM Diff
2832S (r4) Baxter 2:18 PM Diff
2834S (r6) Baxter 1:48 PM Diff
2852S (r2) Toothache 1:14 PM Diff
2847S (r3) GabCM Added YouTube module. 12:22 PM Diff
2854S (r1) Kriole 9:41 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/MikeTysonsPunchout (r19) adelikat Attempt to explain the misdirection technique 3:55 AM Diff
HomePages/Sonikkustar (r24) Sonikkustar 3:24 AM Diff
2853S (r2) OmnipotentEntity used frames module. >:D 1:06 AM Diff
2853S (r1) Dooty 12:28 AM Diff
2841S (r3) Baxter 10:57 PM Diff
2849S (r2) Baxter 10:33 PM Diff
2848S (r2) Baxter 10:32 PM Diff
2846S (r2) Baxter 10:25 PM Diff
HomePages/fsvgm777 (r9) fsvgm777 3:47 PM Diff
Screenshots (r49) GabCM Added Gens screenshot information 3:18 PM Diff
2829S (r14) GabCM Replaced Flowplayer module with a YouTube module, for better quality. 2:10 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PotentialEmulators (r33) Ilari Add VICE 1:51 PM Diff
2852S (r1) Toothache 9:48 AM Diff
1314M (r3) Zeupar Added frames module and linked to the obsoleted run 9:44 AM Diff
2851S (r3) DarkKobold 3:26 AM Diff
2851S (r2) DarkKobold 2:48 AM Diff
2851S (r1) DarkKobold 2:33 AM Diff
2829S (r13) GabCM Added Flowplayer module again, with an updated encode. 2:20 AM Diff
HomePages/Aktan (r4) Zeupar Added a new section 9:11 PM Diff
2850S (r3) DDRKhat 5:48 PM Diff
1626M (r4) DarkKobold 2:58 PM Diff
2850S (r2) DDRKhat 1:28 PM Diff
1190S (r3) DDRKhat 1:26 PM Diff
2850S (r1) DDRKhat 1:25 PM Diff
HomePages/Sonikkustar (r23) Sonikkustar 11:33 PM Diff
GameResources/DOS/JazzJackrabbit (r3) Ilari Springboard glitch 8:12 PM Diff
GameResources/DOS/JazzJackrabbit (r2) Ilari Expand 10:55 PM Diff
2847S (r2) Rolanmen1 5:26 PM Diff
1 2
685 686 687 880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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