Most recent changes in texts

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554 555 556 880 881
3767S (r10) FractalFusion 8:28 PM Diff
3780S (r1) Kriole 4:38 PM Diff
GameResources/GBA/CastlevaniaHarmonyOfDissonance (r18) Robert_Ordis 3:43 PM Diff
GameResources/GBA/CastlevaniaHarmonyOfDissonance (r17) Robert_Ordis Some little correction and add a description about "Shuriken Glitch". 3:38 PM Diff
3310S (r14) feos publication underway 3:27 PM Diff
3775S (r7) feos Replaced the submission file 3:02 PM Diff
2185M (r1) Brandon 8:08 AM Diff
399S (r7) Brandon 8:01 AM Diff
399S (r6) Brandon Publication underway. 5:28 AM Diff
3775S (r6) Cooljay Added New Movie file to be replaced 5:04 AM Diff
2184M (r1) Brandon 4:59 AM Diff
3771S (r7) adelikat 12:53 AM Diff
3635S (r11) Brandon Edited region, game name, and emulator. 10:34 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/TASEditor (r17) AnS removed obsolete information 8:25 PM Diff
3635S (r10) Brandon Publication underway. 7:41 PM Diff
2183M (r1) Brandon 7:14 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/Features (r133) feos BKM 5:37 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/Features (r132) feos added BizHawk. also, when editing, enlarge the editing frame to see the table properly 5:28 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/Features (r130) AnS Added Branches Tree tool to the list 4:06 PM Diff
863S (r7) nanogyth 11:50 AM Diff
1632S (r8) Brandon Publication underway / FCM -> FM2. 9:16 AM Diff
2182M (r1) feos 8:18 AM Diff
3779S (r1) link_7777 2:54 AM Diff
3401S (r9) adelikat 2:28 AM Diff
915S (r9) nanogyth 2:27 AM Diff
1031S (r12) adelikat 2:24 AM Diff
2181M (r1) nanogyth 2:22 AM Diff
Bizhawk (r38) adelikat link to coleco page 11:00 PM Diff
Bizhawk/Coleco (r1) adelikat start page 10:58 PM Diff
EmulatorResources (r80) adelikat link platforms page 10:38 PM Diff
EmulatorResources (r79) adelikat ColecoVision 10:27 PM Diff
Platforms (r54) adelikat ColecoVision is now rerecordable 10:20 PM Diff
3778S (r1) adelikat 10:00 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r52) adelikat binary 9:39 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r51) adelikat 1.3.0 release notes 8:59 PM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r17) zeromus 8:57 PM Diff
3777S (r1) MESHUGGAH 8:43 PM Diff
3732S (r4) feos 8:27 PM Diff
915S (r8) nanogyth 7:46 PM Diff
3767S (r9) natt 5:06 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/Features (r129) AnS added Built-in Input Editor feature to the list 5:05 PM Diff
HomePages/nanogyth (r4) nanogyth change to bighalo 4:52 PM Diff
2180M (r2) natt italics 4:16 PM Diff
2180M (r1) nanogyth 3:58 PM Diff
GameResources/GBA/CastlevaniaHarmonyOfDissonance (r15) Robert_Ordis little but important information for hitbox 1:25 PM Diff
3776S (r1) BrotherMojo 9:31 AM Diff
2179M (r1) Brandon 6:08 AM Diff
3733S (r14) feos 5:32 AM Diff
3635S (r9) Guga 3:34 AM Diff
NewcomerCorner (r9) feos the boing is trolling me. I COPYPASTED that lines! it is "HARD" in the source!!! 7:11 PM Diff
NewcomerCorner (r8) feos 6:46 PM Diff
2178M (r1) natt 5:55 PM Diff
NewcomerCorner (r7) feos goodies 5:38 PM Diff
NewcomerCorner (r6) feos 5:24 PM Diff
NewcomerCorner (r5) feos add icon 5:13 PM Diff
NewcomerCorner (r3) feos 5:02 PM Diff
NewcomerCorner (r1) feos 3:24 PM Diff
3774S (r4) mtvf1 3:20 PM Diff
3774S (r3) mtvf1 3:17 PM Diff
3744S (r2) Xipo 8:22 AM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r16) zeromus 5:51 AM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r15) zeromus 5:37 AM Diff
2177M (r2) CoolKirby 5:34 AM Diff
2176M (r2) CoolKirby 5:05 AM Diff
2177M (r1) Ilari 4:29 AM Diff
2176M (r1) Ilari 4:29 AM Diff
3764S (r16) Nahoc 4:20 AM Diff
947M (r3) CoolKirby 10:14 PM Diff
2175M (r2) CoolKirby 9:23 PM Diff
2174M (r3) CoolKirby 9:06 PM Diff
834S (r6) natt processing 9:05 PM Diff
2175M (r1) Ilari 8:21 PM Diff
2173M (r2) CoolKirby 8:19 PM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r14) zeromus 5:51 PM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r13) zeromus 5:44 PM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r12) zeromus 5:42 PM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r11) zeromus 5:31 PM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r10) zeromus 5:29 PM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r9) zeromus 5:28 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/PublicationManual (r37) feos Font 4:40 PM Diff
3775S (r2) Cooljay Fixed Rom Name 5:22 AM Diff
3433S (r5) adelikat 3:04 AM Diff
2174M (r1) Ilari 2:53 AM Diff
2173M (r1) Ilari 2:53 AM Diff
2172M (r1) Ilari 2:53 AM Diff
3014S (r7) adelikat 2:51 AM Diff
3429S (r14) adelikat 2:38 AM Diff
2612S (r6) adelikat 2:19 AM Diff
LegacyPages/Vault (r26) adelikat more information about sports games 2:18 AM Diff
2474S (r21) adelikat 1:19 AM Diff
2888S (r19) adelikat 1:14 AM Diff
3775S (r1) Cooljay 10:40 PM Diff
3767S (r8) FractalFusion accept 7:09 PM Diff
3008S (r12) natt processing 4:40 PM Diff
1028M (r6) feos woops 4:28 PM Diff
1028M (r5) feos Chip 4:26 PM Diff
HomePages/Nach/Continuances (r8) Nach 3:19 PM Diff
HomePages/Nach/Continuances (r7) Nach Carl Sagan's hacks 3:17 PM Diff
3773S (r4) feos 3:14 PM Diff
3773S (r3) Nach 3:10 PM Diff
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554 555 556 880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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