Near-future projects?

Been hopping around too much recently and haven't been able to focus on a serious TAS, only meme ones, so this is an attempt at some accountability and some notes, I guess.
Dyllon TASed this years ago and it's clearly great content. I don't know if he plans to make a submission with one of the newer methods of running it, but I'd like to try it regardless. Choosing a version is difficult though.
3D Pinball is the version everyone knows, but Full Tilt is the full version, and it has multiball, which would be insane in a TAS, but maybe not fastest for ranking up. RTA runs use Fill Tilt, primarily because of replays I think, which is irrelevant here. But there might be other dis/advantages.
Environment: Either version could be done in any Windows edition in PCem. Windows XP Space Cadet is the most familiar. The decompilation project is quite faithful, but less so for the Full Tilt version. Linux is the obvious choice, but the Wii or 3DS port could use BizHawk. It also seems to work in Wine with libTAS, but there might be audio issues. Probably only worth it if you want the official version without the overhead of PCem.
Versions aside, I need to learn a bit more about the game including the scoring and progression bugs. I want to get an idea of the RNG as well, since Dyllon experienced "random" ball movement even by moving the cursor. Should be a lot easier since the source code is basically available.
Fairly short and simple speedrun but still interesting. The SRC category gets all of Pepper's red bricks, which involves doing the main story and some extra missions, so I would just do the main story for a TAS.
Works well in PCem, better than in modern Windows, the only problem is that joystick is optimal: faster acceleration and camera angle changes. Joystick can be set up in PCem XP, but it's a pain, and then you have to calibrate it too. Putting it off a bit for this reason.
Curious about Wine but it's probably too complex of a game. There's a matching decompilation project that's quite far through at this point. It could have a native Linux port by the end of the year. But I might use the original anyway.
This was one of the $10K speedrun challenges last year. It's also one of the last retail DOS-exclusives, releasing in November 1998. The installer uses Windows though... there are ways to deal with this but I'm not sure which way is best.
Not a very entertaining run but a lot of skips were found in the challenge. Also curious how it runs in PCem compared to DOSBox.

Future projects:
I contributed some stuff to the new site. In RTA speedrunning my main accomplishment is Puffle Launch, optimising many of the 36 levels.


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