This page documents information about Monopoly
. Many of the tricks demonstrated here are near impossible in real time and documented for the purposes of creating Tool-assisted Speedruns.
RndVal1_A = $0037
RndVal1_B = $0038
RndVal1_C = $0039
RndVal2 = $0302
;* Shift RndVal1 left by 1 bit *
;* New bit entering RndVal1_C = ? *
;* Load random from RndVal1_C *
$C13E ; RndVal1 - A - C
RndFunc1: LDA RndVal1_A ;01111000 11111111 00110110 - 01111000 - 1
ASL ; - 11110000 - 0
EOR RndVal1_A ; - 10001000 - 0
ASL ; - 00010000 - 1
ASL ; - 00100000 - 0
ASL ; - 01000000 - 0 <-- entering bit
ROL RndVal1_C ;01111000 11111111 01101100 - 01000000 - 0
ROL RndVal1_B ;01111000 11111110 01101100 - 01000000 - 1
ROL RndVal1_A ;11110001 11111110 01101100 - 01000000 - 0
LDA RndVal1_C ; - 01101100 - 0
;* Increment RndVal2 by 35 ($23) *
;* Run RndFunc1 5 times *
RndFunc2: LDX #$05
loop: LDA RndVal2
ADC #$07
STA RndVal2
JSR RndFunc1
BNE loop
(Acmlm) 37 38 39 0302- 70 19 EE = 011100000001100111101110 ¦ 00 Before starting (random 1) E0 33 DC = 111000000011001111011100 ¦ 00 $0037-0039 << 1 C0 67 B9 = 110000000110011110111001 ¦ 00 $0302 + 00 80 CF 72 = 100000001100111101110010 ¦ 00 01 9E E4 = 000000011001111011100100 ¦ 00 03 3D C8 = 000000110011110111001000 ¦ 00 06 7B 90 = 000001100111101110010000 ¦ 00 0C F7 20 = 000011001111011100100000 ¦ 00 19 EE 40 = 000110011110111001000000 ¦ 00 33 DC 81 = 001100111101110010000001 ¦ 00 67 B9 02 = 011001111011100100000010 ¦ 00 80 CF 72 = 100000001100111101110010 ¦ 00 Before rolling (random 2) CF 72 05 = 110011110111001000000101 ¦ 23 $0037-0039 << 8, $0027 is reset when this activates 72 05 46 = 111000100000010101000110 ¦ 46 $0302 +$23 05 46 58 = 000001010100011001011000 ¦ 69 3F 2B A1 = 001111110010101110100001 ¦ D2 While rolling (random 3) 84 17 CE = 100001000001011111001110 ¦ 3B $0037-0039 <<18,16,16,16,18,16,16,16,... depending on $0027 CE 30 E1 = 110011100011000011100001 ¦ A4 $0302 +$69 E1 49 44 = 111000010100100101000100 ¦ 0D 44 8F 6F = 010001001000111101101111 ¦ 76 BC D9 1B = 101111001101100100011011 ¦ DF After rolling (random 4) $0037-0039 << 6, 16 when getting dice values $0302 +$23
;frame 7: 3E 2A D2
;RAM(27)++ starts 3 frames after first press of A and occurs on every frame
; *****
; executes first
; *****
$C053 JSR RndFunc1 ; executes always on every frame
$C056 JSR $C2DE
; *****
; executes when entering name
; starts on accept input
; stops one frame after OK
; *****
;RAM($27)++ (somewhere)
$94D6 LDA $27
$94D8 AND #$1F ;mod 32
Iterate: ; iterates RAM($27)%32+1 times.
$94DB JSR RndFunc1
$94DF BPL Iterate
; *****
; set up cards
; *****
$84A2 JSR Chance ; if jump, chance first, otherwise comm chest
$84A5 LDX #$10
$84A7 STX $F6 ; 0 if chance, 16 if comm chest
$84A9 STX $F7
$84AB LDY #$F
$84AD LDA #$FF
Init: ;sets chance/comm chest entries to $FF
$84AF STA $472,X
$84B2 INX
$84B3 DEY
$84B4 BPL Init
$84B6 LDY #$F
$84B8 JSR RndFunc1
$84BB JSR RndFunc1
$84BE JSR RndFunc1
$84C1 EOR $F7
$84C3 LSR ;
$84C4 LSR ;
$84C5 LSR ;
$84C6 LSR ; idiv by 16, reduce to <16
$84C7 ORA $F6 ; +0 if chance, +16 if comm chest
$84C9 TAX ;deck offset
$84CA LDA $472,X
$84CD BMI InsertCard ;vacant spot
$84CF INC $F7
$84D1 JMP TryInsertCard
$84D4 TYA
$84D5 STA $472,X
$84D8 DEY ;Next Card
$84D9 BPL TryInsertCard
$84DB RTS ;Done
; (included again)
; *****
; executes first
; *****
$C053 JSR RndFunc1 ; executes always on every frame
$C056 JSR $C2DE
; *****
; executes when on overhead board view
; *****
$8110 JSR $8585
$8113 JSR RndFunc2 ;executes on all but random 1
$8116 JSR $8585
$8119 LDA $26 ;0=not rolling 1=rolling
$811B BEQ $8120 ;not sure why they double-check; see below (RandomWhenRolling)
$811D JMP RandomWhenRolling
; *****
; executes only on random 2
; *****
$FA1B JSR RndFunc1 ;executes only on random 2
$FA1E AND #$1F ;mod 32
$FA20 CMP #$A ;mod 10
$FA22 BCC $FA28
$FA24 SBC #$A
$FA26 BCS $FA20
$FA28 STA $5D
$FA2A JSR RndFunc1 ;executes only on random 2
$FA2D AND #$D0
;* Randomness variation when rolling *
$816E: LDA $0026
CMP #$01 ;equal when rolling
BNE NotRolling
JSR RndFunc2
JSR RndFunc2
INC $0027
LDA $0027
AND #$03 ;mod 4
BNE Skip ;... if RAM($27)%4==0 (i.e. every 4 frames) ...
JSR RndFunc1 ;do this ...
AND #$42
BNE $8190
LDA #$02
$8190: JSR RndFunc1 ;... and this
AND #$12
BEQ $819C
LDA #$01
STA $0504
$819C: ...
JSR $8585
;* Determine (and display) the dice *
;* Values are randomized between them *
$81EB: LDX #$01
NextDice: STX $00FB
$8214: JSR RndFunc1 ;Randomize and load random value
JSR RndFunc1
JSR RndFunc1
JSR RndFunc1
JSR RndFunc1
CPX #$01 ;If second dice, XOR with RndVal2
BNE Mod6
EOR RndVal2
Mod6: CMP #$06 ;modulo 6
BCC Save
SBC #$06
BCS Mod6
Save: ADC #$01 ;0-5 -> 1-6
STA $0300,X ;store dice
$825E: LDX $00FB
BPL NextDice