This page lists tricks and information for the game Hyper Lode Runner (GB).

Descend through a block

You can descend into a brick wall the moment it rematerializes with proper timing. You can climb inside the wall like you can climb a ladder. But if you touch the bottom, you cannot climb up anymore. You can dematerialize nearby walls and climb up again, however. This trick is a timesaver in some levels.

Destroy blocks next to a pit

Walk towards a pit while holding A/B (depending on direction) and walk the other direction on the correct frame in order to destroy a block beyond the pit:
You can also destroy the block you walk across:
Both of these tricks depend on very precise positioning. Sometimes, due to how the game handles positioning, a bad starting location can render these tricks impossible. But the exact conditions behind this are still unknown.
It seems these tricks do not work with "fall through" blocks. And the trick sometimes does not work after falling though the exact conditions are unknown.

Stay in 2nd room forever

Normally, when you enter the 2nd room of a level, there is a 1 minute timelimit where you have to go back to the 1st room. Otherwise the door closes and the level is unwinnable.
But you can stay in the 2nd room forever by pausing at the right times. Basicly, the game uses a global timer ($ffd4) and a timer for the 2nd room ($c049). The 2nd room timer depletes every 64 frames based on the global timer (when globaltimer % 64 == 0). Since the globaltimer keeps running but the depletion doesn't occur when the game is paused, you can prevent the depletion by pausing on the correct frames.

Survive rematerializing blocks

Similarly to the trick above, you can use pausing in order to survive rematerializing blocks. The game would only check every 4th frame or so, whether you are inside a rematerializing block and kill you.


There are a few luck-based elements in the game, but they all depend on the global timer ($ffd4).
Since all of these depend on the global timer and the global timer keeps running while the game is paused, you can effectively use pausing in order to manipulate luck.

Respawn points

Enemies that are killed will respawn in a certain respawn location. See this image:
For an enemy that is killed, he will respawn in the 2nd row, within the red marked spaces, in a certain space +- 4. Which certain space it ends up being is dependent on the global timer (which can be influenced by pausing) and a yet unknown factor which decides the scenario (it can be manipulated by dematerializing blocks). Respawn spaces can therefore be:
If the would-be respawn point is occupied already, the game has a ruling on what the space will end up being:

Stolen gold

When a bad guy walks through a heap of gold, he will steal it and hold on to it. He will drop it only under these circumstances:


All addresses use the memory domain "System Bus".
c002 2byte player xpos
c004 2byte player ypos
c012 2byte enemy1 xpos
c014 2byte enemy1 ypos
c022 2byte enemy2 xpos
c024 2byte enemy2 ypos
c032 2byte enemy3 xpos
c034 2byte enemy3 ypos
c019 1byte enemy1 drop timer tells when an enemy should drop their stolen gold
c029 1byte enemy2 drop timer "
c039 1byte enemy3 drop timer "
c049 1byte room2 timelimit tells when the 2nd room door closes. Depletes every 64 frames depending on the global timer.
ffd4 1byte global timerkeeps looping through 0~255 and controls various aspects of the game. See the Luck-Manipulation section above.
ffb4 1byte gold left until level is clearedWhen 0x00, turns to 0xff
ffcc 1bytecamx
ffce 1bytecamy
ffd2 1bytecamx limitation the camera position will not exceed this value. It restricts the game from scrolling. Used e.g. in level 16 room 2.
ffd3 1bytecamy limitation "

GameResources/GB/HyperLodeRunner last edited by adelikat on 8/7/2022 9:06 PM
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