Games for Group: DC Comics

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Batman GB 1 3
Batman Genesis 2 3
Batman NES 14 19
Batman Begins GBA 1 1
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker N64 0 0
Batman Forever Genesis, SNES 1 1
Batman Returns Genesis 1 1
Batman Returns Lynx 1 2
Batman Returns SMS 1 1
Batman: Chaos in Gotham GBC 1 1
Batman: Return of the Joker GB 4 6 GameResources/GB/BatmanReturnOfTheJoker
Batman: Return of the Joker NES 1 1
Batman: The Brave and the Bold DS 0 0
Batman: The Caped Crusader C64 2 3
Batman: The Dark Knight NES 1 1
Batman: The Junkyard Challenge NES 1 1
Catwoman GBC 1 1
Justice League Task Force SNES 1 4
Lego Batman Genesis 1 1
Superman A2600 2 2
Superman GB 0 0
Superman Genesis 2 2
Superman N64 1 1
Superman: The Man of Steel C64 0 0
Teen Titans GBA 0 0
The Adventures of Batman and Robin Genesis 1 1
The Adventures of Batman and Robin SNES 0 0
The Crow NES 0 0
The Death and Return of Superman Genesis 0 1
The Death and Return of Superman SNES 1 3
The Flash GB 0 1
The Flash SMS 1 1