Games for Group: Star Wars

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GameSystemsPublicationsSubmissionsResource Page
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy DS 2 2 GameResources/DS/LEGOStarWarsIITheOriginalTrilogy
Lego Star Wars III - The Clone Wars DS 0 0
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga DS 0 0
Star Wars NES 3 3 GameResources/NES/StarWars
Star Wars (Namco) NES 0 1
Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles PSX 1 1
Star Wars Episode I: Obi-Wan's Adventures GBC 0 0
Star Wars Episode I: Racer N64 1 1
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader GC 0 0
Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force GBA 0 0
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter GC 1 1
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith GBA 1 1
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Death Star Battle A2600 2 2
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back NES 2 2 GameResources/NES/EmpireStrikesBack
Star Wars: The New Droid Army GBA 0 0
Super Star Wars SNES 1 2 GameResources/SNES/SuperStarWars
Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi SNES 1 1 GameResources/SNES/SuperStarWars
Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back SNES 1 1 GameResources/SNES/SuperStarWars