All recent changes in texts

This page is much like recent changes but it also lists minor edits.
1 2 221 222 223
1321 1322
8084S (r6) fsvgm777 7:42 AM Diff
8084S (r5) fsvgm777 7:42 AM Diff
8129S (r17) fsvgm777 7:41 AM Diff
8072S (r13) Samsara ._. 7:40 AM Diff
8072S (r12) Samsara 7:38 AM Diff
6858S (r12) Samsara 7:35 AM Diff
8084S (r4) Samsara 7:35 AM Diff
8173S (r5) ikuyo 4:57 AM Diff
8170S (r8) despoa (Minor edit) 1:46 AM Diff
8170S (r7) despoa changing branch name 1:45 AM Diff
8170S (r6) despoa Claimed for publication 1:40 AM Diff
8173S (r4) ikuyo 1:25 AM Diff
8173S (r3) ikuyo 1:19 AM Diff
8210S (r2) Darkman425 12:01 AM Diff
8129S (r16) nymx 8:24 PM Diff
8211S (r1) PearlASE Auto-generated from Submission #8211 6:53 PM Diff
5214M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #5214 11:51 AM Diff
8210S (r1) poco_cpp Auto-generated from Submission #8210 11:17 AM Diff
8139S (r5) Spikestuff Claimed for publication 11:12 AM Diff
8139S (r4) ThunderAxe31 11:04 AM Diff
8209S (r1) Cephla Auto-generated from Submission #8209 8:51 AM Diff
8208S (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Submission #8208 2:13 AM Diff
Platforms (r131) CloakTheLurker added deprecated emulator links in Arcade 12:18 AM Diff
HomePages/Lobsterzelda (r1) Lobsterzelda (Minor edit) 11:38 PM Diff
8207S (r4) Natetheman223 (Minor edit) 9:20 PM Diff
8207S (r3) Natetheman223 (Minor edit) 9:20 PM Diff
8170S (r5) Darkman425 Accepting and also fixing an image link 9:14 PM Diff
8207S (r2) Natetheman223 (Minor edit) 9:12 PM Diff
8207S (r1) Natetheman223 Auto-generated from Submission #8207 9:11 PM Diff
3016G (r1) CloakTheLurker 9:01 PM Diff
1003M (r12) CloakTheLurker (Minor edit) 7:51 PM Diff
2250M (r2) CloakTheLurker (Minor edit) 7:49 PM Diff
4010M (r3) CloakTheLurker 7:41 PM Diff
3653M (r6) CloakTheLurker (Minor edit) 7:39 PM Diff
3273M (r6) CloakTheLurker (Minor edit) 7:38 PM Diff
Bizhawk/MAME (r2) CloakTheLurker (Minor edit) 7:03 PM Diff
1646M (r4) CloakTheLurker (Minor edit) 6:47 PM Diff
4615M (r7) CloakTheLurker 6:43 PM Diff
3413M (r2) CloakTheLurker (Minor edit) 6:42 PM Diff
4635M (r2) CloakTheLurker changed Emulator Version (Minor edit) 6:41 PM Diff
1889M (r3) CloakTheLurker changed Emulator Version 6:40 PM Diff
1100M (r4) CloakTheLurker added Emulator Version 6:39 PM Diff
934M (r4) CloakTheLurker changed Emulator Version 6:38 PM Diff
2960M (r3) CloakTheLurker (Minor edit) 6:35 PM Diff
3742M (r3) CloakTheLurker (Minor edit) 6:35 PM Diff
4423M (r5) CloakTheLurker (Minor edit) 6:33 PM Diff
8206S (r1) Cephla Auto-generated from Submission #8206 4:37 PM Diff
8170S (r4) WarHippy ADDED WORDS. Submission Text Complete. 1:45 PM Diff
Platforms (r130) feos Dolphin too 12:59 PM Diff
Platforms (r129) feos link guides 12:54 PM Diff
Platforms (r128) feos = 12:41 PM Diff
Platforms (r127) feos (Minor edit) 12:35 PM Diff
Platforms (r126) feos (Minor edit) 12:35 PM Diff
Platforms (r125) feos (Minor edit) 12:31 PM Diff
Platforms (r124) feos (Minor edit) 12:29 PM Diff
8180S (r11) LoganTheTASer 12:24 PM Diff
8180S (r10) LoganTheTASer 12:24 PM Diff
Platforms (r123) feos ok then (Minor edit) 12:20 PM Diff
Platforms (r122) feos um (Minor edit) 12:15 PM Diff
Platforms (r121) feos linked games 12:10 PM Diff
Platforms (r120) feos (Minor edit) 11:57 AM Diff
Platforms (r119) feos updated arcade emus 11:56 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r271) feos Platforms#AdobeFlash 11:53 AM Diff
Platforms (r118) feos (Minor edit) 11:52 AM Diff
Platforms (r117) feos Adobe Flash 11:50 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r270) feos link PC-98 11:43 AM Diff
Platforms (r116) feos added PC-98 11:41 AM Diff
Platforms (r115) feos (Minor edit) 11:27 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r269) feos (Minor edit) 10:40 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r268) feos removed mention of "neo geo" since we don't have a separate system for it and just keep it as arcade 10:39 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r267) feos separate plaform link and system visually 10:07 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r266) feos (Minor edit) 10:01 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r265) feos split similar platforms, because linking them all makes the table unmaintainable, and we do need to link them, because the platforms page may contain all the useful links (potentially) 9:59 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r264) feos linked nec too 9:33 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r263) feos (Minor edit) 9:30 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r262) feos (Minor edit) 9:29 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r261) feos (Minor edit) 9:28 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r260) feos linked platforms for preferred emulators 9:27 AM Diff
Bizhawk/FAQ (r18) feos (Minor edit) 8:59 AM Diff
Bizhawk/FAQ (r17) feos I'm trying to cheat/poke/freeze a memory address, but it keeps changing 8:57 AM Diff
Platforms (r114) feos alphabetized companies 8:42 AM Diff
Platforms (r113) feos removed "ASCII Corporation" since as the description of msx (their only joint product) says, it was a part of microsoft at the time anyway 8:38 AM Diff
Platforms (r112) feos moved SVI to misc since it was made neither by microsoft nor by ascii corp 8:36 AM Diff
Platforms (r111) feos (Minor edit) 8:30 AM Diff
Platforms (r110) feos (Minor edit) 8:27 AM Diff
Platforms (r109) feos (Minor edit) 8:27 AM Diff
Platforms (r108) feos (Minor edit) 8:25 AM Diff
Platforms (r107) feos alphabetized MS and misc 8:22 AM Diff
Platforms (r106) feos alphabetized sega 8:14 AM Diff
Platforms (r105) feos alphabetized nintendo 8:06 AM Diff
Platforms (r104) feos !!!! headers don't appear in the toc, so use !!! instead 7:37 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r259) feos added newly emulated systsems, removed second mention of SGB, put GBA after GB 7:33 AM Diff
8169S (r2) OceanBagel Edited the submission text to reflect the 3 second improvement 6:13 AM Diff
5213M (r5) CloakTheLurker (Minor edit) 12:53 AM Diff
HomePages/dekutony (r328) dekutony (Minor edit) 10:58 PM Diff
8142S (r3) arkiandruski 10:30 PM Diff
5213M (r4) nymx (Minor edit) 9:08 PM Diff
5213M (r3) nymx 9:07 PM Diff
8155S (r4) Darkman425 Claimed for judging 8:13 PM Diff
5213M (r2) fsvgm777 8:03 PM Diff
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1321 1322

FullRecentChanges last edited by adelikat on 8/23/2022 4:06 PM
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