All recent changes in texts

This page is much like recent changes but it also lists minor edits.
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1286 1287 1288 1296 1297
286S (r1) chis 2:18 PM Diff
System/FrontPage (r14) Bisqwit 1:44 PM Diff
168M (r2) Bisqwit 1:34 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r18) Phil 12:50 AM Diff
168M (r1) Bisqwit 11:34 PM Diff
86S (r2) Bisqwit 11:09 PM Diff
282S (r1) SprintGod 10:21 PM Diff
Staff (r7) Bisqwit removed link to HomePages (Minor edit) 11:16 AM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r6) Bisqwit changed the headers smaller (Minor edit) 10:37 AM Diff
6M (r3) Bisqwit renamed rockmen as mega men for name search to work better 10:00 AM Diff
111M (r7) Bisqwit renamed rockmen as mega men for name search to work better 10:00 AM Diff
281S (r2) Bisqwit 9:55 AM Diff
281S (r1) kopernical 5:17 AM Diff
280S (r1) Bob_Whoops 12:05 AM Diff
167M (r1) Bisqwit 11:02 PM Diff
262S (r5) Bisqwit 11:01 PM Diff
TODO (r26) Bisqwit fixed the TOC problem 6:01 PM Diff
262S (r4) Bisqwit 4:50 PM Diff
System/SubmissionImportant (r5) Bisqwit now reminds where the submission text is seen 4:33 PM Diff
279S (r1) Walker_Boh 4:12 PM Diff
TODO (r25) Bisqwit 3:09 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r17) Bisqwit (Minor edit) 11:49 AM Diff
Glossary (r5) Bisqwit 11:49 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/Famtasia/FMV (r3) Bisqwit 11:49 AM Diff
FAQ (r17) Bisqwit 11:46 AM Diff
156M (r7) Bisqwit link to EmulatorHomepages (Minor edit) 11:44 AM Diff
58S (r5) terrarising 10:07 PM Diff
278S (r1) videogamefreak 10:02 PM Diff
108S (r4) Phil 10:00 PM Diff
140M (r3) Phil 9:55 PM Diff
TODO (r24) Phil 8:48 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r10) Phil People can do Snes and Genesis super play now ;) 8:24 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r9) Phil 6:32 PM Diff
262S (r3) Bisqwit 6:18 PM Diff
166M (r1) Bisqwit 9:49 PM Diff
277S (r2) Bisqwit 9:36 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r8) Bisqwit 6:05 PM Diff
GameResources/CommonTricks (r10) Bisqwit link to SuperMarioBrosTricks 8:55 AM Diff
Glossary (r4) Michael_Fried 2:25 AM Diff
277S (r1) Walker_Boh 8:41 PM Diff
System/FrontPage (r13) Bisqwit rearranged the page 3:41 PM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r17) Bisqwit 3:28 PM Diff
Glossary (r3) Bisqwit defined a few terms 2:32 PM Diff
Glossary (r2) Bisqwit moved the glossary stuff 2:01 PM Diff
RecentChanges (r3) Bisqwit 1:52 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/Rockman (r9) Kyrsimys 11:31 AM Diff
Wiki (r1) Bisqwit initial version 11:11 AM Diff
FAQ (r16) Bisqwit added 'what is a wiki' 10:59 AM Diff
EditorGuidelines (r1) Bisqwit initial version 10:57 AM Diff
System/WikiEditHelp (r7) Bisqwit Link to EditorGuidelines 10:30 AM Diff
103S (r4) Bisqwit 10:09 AM Diff
275S (r3) Bisqwit 8:12 AM Diff
255S (r3) Frenom 2:26 AM Diff
276S (r1) Zurreco 8:27 PM Diff
275S (r2) Bisqwit 7:28 PM Diff
275S (r1) Frenom 7:09 PM Diff
Glossary (r1) Michael_Fried 6:42 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/SuperMarioBros (r5) Michael_Fried 6:26 PM Diff
135M (r3) Bisqwit Now there is AVI 5:59 PM Diff
15M (r3) Bisqwit Link to SuperMarioBrosTricks 1:37 PM Diff
240S (r5) nji9 12:44 PM Diff
135M (r2) Bisqwit 12:39 PM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r5) Bisqwit moved a Famtasia-specific chapter last 11:38 AM Diff
164M (r3) Bisqwit 12:52 AM Diff
164M (r2) Blechy (Minor edit) 12:51 AM Diff
164M (r1) Bisqwit 12:49 AM Diff
268S (r3) Bisqwit 12:45 AM Diff
163M (r1) Bisqwit 10:14 PM Diff
162M (r1) Bisqwit 10:11 PM Diff
160M (r2) Blechy (Minor edit) 9:37 PM Diff
274S (r3) Bisqwit 9:25 PM Diff
GameResources/SNES/MegaManX (r5) Wodball (Minor edit) 8:45 PM Diff
274S (r2) Bisqwit 8:32 PM Diff
274S (r1) Zurreco 8:31 PM Diff
161M (r1) Bisqwit 8:27 PM Diff
35S (r3) Bisqwit 8:26 PM Diff
249S (r7) Zurreco 6:58 PM Diff
273S (r2) Bisqwit 6:17 PM Diff
266S (r4) Bisqwit 5:45 PM Diff
247S (r2) Walker_Boh 3:27 PM Diff
266S (r3) Walker_Boh 11:18 AM Diff
273S (r1) Walker_Boh 9:21 AM Diff
HomePages/Blechy (r5) Blechy (Minor edit) 3:18 AM Diff
Screenshots (r3) Phil 1:50 AM Diff
Screenshots (r2) Bisqwit linux instructions and some cosmetic edits 1:10 AM Diff
FAQ (r15) Phil 12:30 AM Diff
Screenshots (r1) Phil 12:29 AM Diff
160M (r1) Bisqwit 9:17 PM Diff
270S (r2) Bisqwit 9:14 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/SuperMarioBros (r4) Michael_Fried 9:10 PM Diff
272S (r2) Valagard 8:01 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r16) Phil 7:48 PM Diff
272S (r1) Valagard 6:23 PM Diff
271S (r2) Valagard 6:22 PM Diff
System/SubmissionHeader (r4) Bisqwit updating links (Minor edit) 11:29 AM Diff
FAQ (r14) Bisqwit 11:29 AM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r16) Bisqwit (Minor edit) 11:28 AM Diff
Helping (r10) Bisqwit (Minor edit) 11:28 AM Diff
TODO (r23) Bisqwit 11:08 AM Diff
GameResources/SNES/UmiharaKawase (r4) Bisqwit rearranged the page 11:06 AM Diff
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1286 1287 1288 1296 1297

FullRecentChanges last edited by adelikat on 8/23/2022 4:06 PM
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