I will list some of the new tricks and glitches I discovered:
Some rolling things:
When you perform a normal roll your movement stops at the end of it. When you roll at an enemy you don't have that 'stop' at the end.
I think you all knew that but you can also see that when you start a level you will automatically start a roll (if you hold 'Y' of course) and don't be bothered by that 'stop'.
The same thing goes if you have released Y for 21(20?) frames and then perform a roll you will not have that stop.
And with dixie if you do a 'non-stop' roll and you start a roll just when the first ends you will perform another non-stop roll.
Remember that a non-stop roll must have 'Y' pressed the whole time.
Demonstration of the dixie roll
Edit: Also if you roll in air and hits an wall you won't be able to move left or right.
"Throw up" trick:
Yes, I know that "Throw up" is a synonym to vomit it was just a fun IRC thing.
This trick is easy and can be useful at some places.
You presses 'A' and be ready for a team-throw and jumps up and "throws up" the other character and when he/she lands you have a one frame opportunity to jump again and with this trick you can come really far up but it's unfortunately very slow.
Demonstration of the Team throw up
There is another version of the trick which is a little faster.
You throw the other character at an enemy and before he comes back you jump up in air and when he comes back you jump again by just pressing 'B'
Demonstration of the Throw-up2 trick including dixie roll and the backwards switch by an accident (gotta study about that trick)
Backwards-walking character switch(:P):
This trick seems to be very hard to perform and I don't quite understand how to do it yet but sometimes when you switch character they walk backwards instead of forward during the swithc and if they do walk backwards you can enter the ground if there's a slope or just a wall!
Demonstration1 of the trick without entering the ground
Demonstration2 of the trick with entering the ground and a lot of crap later
I post some better demonstration when I succeed with it more :)
And if someone manage to figure this out I will be thankful :)
Edit: I'm going to test this on the left wall on castle crush but it's hard doing it
miscellaneous things:
Fast way to finish Fiery Furnace bonus
Game crashes and goes very fast up Castle Crush, but I don't think this really can be used. test it yourself
Diddy gets Invisible :) funny thing
Another thing is when you charge with rambi and make a jump and if you press left and jumps the same time while in air you make another jump.
Demonstration with the chargejump combined with other tactics.
ducking under water:
All you have to do is run off an edge and duck before you start fall and you will fall while ducking and duck under water and if you hold B while ducking under water you will go up very fast.
This trick can be used to go up and down the water very quickly.
There is A LOT more that I will post when I remember them.