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[Edited by Bisqwit at 2006-09-06: Original thread title was "Donkey kong country 2 (Warpless , 4% (next will come soon)"] Edited; Well i have re started the run , first now i can use the improved version of snes (the matter is my gamepad , i changed it now is work well). Next i will avoid all warp portal , someone said before is can prety borring to see speed runs with many warp in a game. Next i will record at 6% speed so the run will take realy more time thats i have planned to do. I will update wips here every 3 Stage , so with this i can have some opinion. About emulator option. - Wip1 is On - Allow right/up is Off - Volume envlope height is Off - Fake mute desych workaround is On - Scythe sample with sound cpu is On Ok : i have seriously anaylsed gameplay and message above. First of all i have watched many many time for complex anaylsis whith the roll>jump>roll>jump tech , yes ineed you gain more frame but... for the one who will watch the full run is can be quickly annoying to see the chars do this things every time. For me is important to have a good felling when i watch a run. So i know... yes i will lost some frame but i think the video will be more pleasant to watch no ?. What do you think about this , 1 / i have to use this tech but this will annoying for the watcher very quickly, 2 / i will d'ont use this tech but i will lost a little time and the watcher will don't be annoyed to quickly.
They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say Nice try! Tas planned. Dino city Secret of mana
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Try using frame advance, and if it bores you, don't sit too long, work on it 30 mins a day or make 30 mins sessions and then do something else for a while, or your movie may not be accepted or obliterated very soon. I'm sorry, but I havn't played this game for ages, and never on an emulator so I don't know anything about desynchs and I can't help you with the game. :/
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There is another thread where someone had a similar problem, it seems to be a bug in SNES9x. That thread is here.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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I haven't meet this bug.. But i think when you watch your movie you have.. some Read Only option "ON" in Snes 9x.. or you just do something wrong.. :/
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About the desych yes is annoying but i know where the game glitch and i can fix this. The first world is finished , is not perfect but i like this a little. There is the snesX9 file. the dkc version is "Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest (U) (V1.1) [!]"
They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say Nice try! Tas planned. Dino city Secret of mana
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I'm not sure if you were planning on submitting this, but movies here must be recorded from reset, not a savestate. This is one of the site's Rules - you may want to read through them, and the Guidelines as well. Also - to get this to sync, I had to turn off WIP1 timing.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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desynched to me.. i.i edit: oh, let me try to switch wip timing off edit2: it worked now XD hmm.. i dont know much about dkc2 TAS, but, there was some movements that it seems to have a faster way to make it.. for example, it seems to me that you shouldnt have killed some monsters with the barrel.. well, i may be wrong, as i said, i dont know much about TASing dkc2..
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The speedrun at Speed Demos Archive comes close to being perfected, aside from the one death. A TAS would just be trivial at best.
[URL=]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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Thx a loot about your opinion , i will work on this run now. The first two stage is finished, The frame advance is usefull and the site faqs to.
They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say Nice try! Tas planned. Dino city Secret of mana
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gl^^ and release wips if its possible
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Yes thanks , i will relase the smv of the first two world soon , the first world is finished , i will try to finish the second this night and tomorow. Edit : i got a realy good advancement in the run. I re started the two first world , i think using warp for a time run is logic. The run is done at 60% now.I will post a wip latter.
They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say Nice try! Tas planned. Dino city Secret of mana
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waiting for wips^^
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Ok there is the wip , i used the normal snes9x 1.43 , so all special option (wip1 timing ect) must be off. Next , i don't understand why but if open-read only is on the game will desych so is must be off. About the video , the first two world is realy annoying to watch , is just warp > warp > berk... And about the second zone of the third world , i know is not perfect i lost some frame at some time , but others stage is good (i think). edit : question , i have to stop the movie at the end of staff roll .. right ?
They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say Nice try! Tas planned. Dino city Secret of mana
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You should stop recording at the last possible frame that requires your input. I can't quite recall, but I'm pretty sure that you don't need to manually advance any ending text in DKC2, so you should stop the movie just as you deliver the last hit on K. Rool.
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isn't it finished yet or have u forgot to submit it?
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Is not finished (95% done) i just have some problem with the last world.... i desych to much here. I think i will submit this tomorows.
They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say Nice try! Tas planned. Dino city Secret of mana
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So you finished this run in like 4-5 days? I just hope its not played too sloppy...
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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I hope so , is only my first run but i think he is good. Im so dumb.... i forgot to record the longest stage in the game -_-
They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say Nice try! Tas planned. Dino city Secret of mana
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AngerFist wrote:
So you finished this run in like 4-5 days? I just hope its not played too sloppy...
4-5 days is long enough to make a run of this sort of game, I think. But I watched one of the WIPs and wasn't really amazed; I had the impression that this game can be done much faster. (I have no evidence for that yet... haven't really looked into it.) I know the desyncs are complicating things, though, so at least this shows a run of this game can progress in spite of them. (note: My theory was that you can avoid desyncs in this game by never saving on even-numbered frames or never saving on odd-numbered frames.) One thing I forgot to say earlier: I would rather see a run that doesn't make use of the in-level warps, because it's boring to see the player enter all these potentially interesting levels only to jump in a barrel and skip the whole level, over and over, especially since then it seems like you spend more time watching the level-complete animation and world-map movement than actual gameplay. (Besides that, this is by far my favorite DKC game - I'd like to see what's possible in it.)
Blackpearl wrote:
I hope so , is only my first run but i think he is good. Im so dumb.... i forgot to record the longest stage in the game -_-
For future refence: Make sure you always have the frame counter (.) turned on, that way if you're accidentally not recording there's a better chance you'll notice something is wrong, because you won't see the frame count if you're not recording.
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Any reason why you're not using one of the "improved" versions of snes9x? They were improved specifically because of some of the shortcomings of the stock version you are trying to play with now
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But I watched one of the WIPs and wasn't really amazed; I had the impression that this game can be done much faster
I have this impression to. one of the bigest problem is the barel and another grabable things in the game , i have the press down the Y button for runing. If i press it during a barel path the chars will auto grab hit , so i have to stop runing or jumping , yes i lost time here is boring.
I would rather see a run that doesn't make use of the in-level warps, because it's boring to see the player enter all these potentially interesting levels only to jump in a barrel and skip the whole level, over and over, especially since then it seems like you spend more time watching the level-complete animation and world-map movement than actual gameplay. (Besides that, this is by far my favorite DKC game - I'd like to see what's possible in it.)
Your right ineed , i wanted this realy ... But this won't be called a time run after. And i don't think if a time based run will be accepted if i avoid warp portal.
Any reason why you're not using one of the "improved" versions of snes9x?
After 555 years of buton configuration for nothing on my game pad...(like the up direction configured eight time) forget this emulator in bottom of hell I have re-started the run from zero , the first topic is edited.
They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say Nice try! Tas planned. Dino city Secret of mana
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Here are some general pointers: Things are much easier to perfect in frame advance, as opposed to 6% speed or whatever speed you are using. You can test things like:
  • What is the first frame to press start on the title screen?
  • What is the first frame I can roll toward an enemy and not get hit by it?
  • What is the first frame I can hold A / let go of A for Rambi's charge?
With frame advance, it is easier for the movie maker to test individual frames at their own pace. Pointers about this game specifically:
  • Spin as much as possible instead of running (where the environment allows). To avoid the delay at the end of the spin, jump at the very end of the spin.
  • Spin into as many enemies as possible. This includes enemies on higher/lower levels, if they can be reached and spun without losing time.
  • Spin for as long as possible before and after hitting an enemy. This way you are extending the amount of ground coverend by the spin.
  • Jump on the first frame available to land on the end-of-level-target. This way, you aren't using any extra forward momentum / time.
  • In some cases, hitting enemies may slow the game down...for example, when running with Rambi, enemies do not speed him up, and cause pauses during each hit. Some enemies in the first level are just unavoidable. (This really isn't too important anyway, as the delay is minimal, and hitting enemies quickly can look really cool)
  • Don't get Dixie until the second level. This is because she is in a mid-air barrel on the first rope that you must climb anyway, and it is faster than picking up and throwing a barrel on the first level.
  • When you get invincibility in the third level, still spin into the enemies for increased speed.
Something you did that was very clever - Jumping off of Rambi instead of running through the sign with him in the first level. That saved a good amount of time. Here is an example I did of the first level. If you are having trouble following what I'm saying, it may be easier to learn by example (that's how I learn the best). You can turn on "show controller input" with the comma (,) key to study how I did some of the things here. I hope you continue to work at this game, you seem very dedicated to it. Good luck!
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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So be it .... i will re re start the run from 0
Jump on the first frame available to land on the end-of-level-target. This way, you aren't using any extra forward momentum / time.
In some stage if i jump directly into the end mark , there a another animation and i will lost realy much time. stage 1 and 2 re : edited. thx for this upload host so ^^^^
They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say Nice try! Tas planned. Dino city Secret of mana
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Blackpearl: The WIP you just posted of the 1st level is 93 frames slower than the example JXQ posted. Since you're trying to be as fast as possible, that's too much of a difference - I think you should try again until you can get it at least as fast as JXQ did.
Blackpearl wrote:
Your right ineed , i wanted this realy ... But this won't be called a time run after. And i don't think if a time based run will be accepted if i avoid warp portal.
It could still be accepted; other runs have been made with restrictions like this (no warps, no damage, 100% items, etc.) and were accepted. If you do this, you just have to make sure that you follow the rule (no warp barrels to ! rooms) for the entire game and don't change your mind about it partway through. And, provide some good reason for why it's more entertaining to do it that way. BTW, what the heck is "it's jesus overlol555"?
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Edit : what the hell is this... ok i'il explain. In cheked the frame in my wip and on the exempl wip. In my wip when the first stage start (at the end of the black screen) the frame count is around 1515 with frame advance and 1505 with 1% game speed. In the ex:wip is 1495. so i can't understand how he win 10 frame at the start screen , i think you can't passe more quicky this menu. Next this will come realy strange , i tested whith znes at the slowest speed and the stage start at 1423.. i can't understand why. If someone can explain . thanks.
They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say Nice try! Tas planned. Dino city Secret of mana