Note: After the input ends, wait for the final Link to complete suicide so the credits would roll.

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: VBA22
  • Aims for the fastest time to reach to the last possible frame that requires input
  • Abuses glitches
  • Minor luck mainipulation
  • Colors a dinosaur the world
  • Aims for the highest possible in-game time


I got the idea for this run after I saw Tompa's glitched run and Greenalink's Palace of Four Swords run. At first, I didn't know how to quickly collect weapons, until I saw this. Now armed with weapons, the only thing I had to figure out was how to bypass the electric gate. I messed around abit until I did and started this run.

Stage by stage comments

Hyrule Castle

Many thanks to Tompa for his LttP run which I used to get to the castle. Slight modifications were done to mainipulate the guard to approach Link.

Ganon's Castle

I entered here so that the mirror will warp me back here instead of Hyrule Castle. Also, to make some things appear and work correctly.

Palace of Four Swords

I had horrid luck with the Bari, with it refusing to move to the right earlier. I killed the boss with nothing but a poisonous boomerang. For the last Link, it was quite difficult. I had to be at cordinates (4479,5489) to activate the credits. I also had to kill Link without dying or with any input. I positioned myself so that when Link slashes the boomerang, it would push me to the right spot without him using his jump-stab attack.

Other Comments

This run could be improved with better luck and possibly ending the battle earlier.

klmz: The author should clarify whether the objective "Completes the game as fast as possible" was supposed to be achieved in this movie, or it was supposed to be a different goal instead. At the moment, the game can be completed faster with input appended to the end of the movie file, which would suggest that the objective is not achieved.

klmz: Clarification: By moving the glitched "game character" several steps downwards after the movie input ends, the player can let the "final boss" commit suicide faster than it did with only the movie input. Thus the movie didn't complete the game as fast as possible.

klmz: The issue stated above no longer presents after the author revised the objectives. Resetting status.
FractalFusion: Judging.
FractalFusion: Although I didn't really enjoy this movie, a number of people seem to like how glitched it is. Thus I will accept the movie for publication.
I also replaced the movie with a newer version which the author says will help with desync problems. I personally did not experience any.