Post subject: Killer 2-Player games?
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In preparation of my new controllers, I want to build a solid collection of 2-player games. The kind where you are both on the screen at the same time. (Smash TV, strike gunner, Joe and Mac style) NES, SNES of Genesis (since I have a mac, and those are the only emulators that really work well) So throw them at me, I need some games I can enjoy with my friends! Here is what I have thought of already. Contra, Double Dragon, Joe and Mac, Smash TV/Total Carnage, Street fighter / MK / KI / Fatal Fury ect, Strike gunner (I would lover more spaceship shooter 2 players games though!) River City Ransom, and Bubble Bobble. Looking for more! Please give the system as well as the title, and I would like the genre also, but as long as it's 2 player I don't really care that much.
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Super Bubble Bobble, Bubble Bobble 2, Rainbow Islands, Parasol Stars, Bubble Symphony, Puzzle Bobble, all Kunio/Nekketsu games, Tetris & Dr. Mario, Panel de Pon, Super Puyo Puyo Tsu (Remix), Super Tetris 3, Ganbare! Goemon 1-4, Rescue Rangers 1 & 2, Rampart, Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1-9, Nobunaga's Ambition, Super Bomberman 3-5, Altered Beast, Goof Troop, Joust, Mario Bros, POW, etc. Edit: Probably not all of these are on those consoles though. Action/Arcade: Super Bubble Bobble, Bubble Bobble 2, Rainbow Islands, Parasol Stars, Bubble Symphony, Kunio/Nekketsu games, Ganbare! Goemon 1-4, Rescue Rangers 1 & 2, Altered Beast, Joust, Mario Bros, POW Puzzle: Puzzle Bobble, Tetris & Dr. Mario, Panel de Pon, Super Puyo Puyo Tsu (Remix), Super Tetris 3, Rampart, Super Bomberman 3-5, Goof Troop Other: Kunio/Nekketsu games (sports), Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1-9 (strategy), Nobunaga's Ambition (strategy)
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Boco... You make me weep. I need the system these games are on. Althought I totally forgot about altered beast.
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All of Boco's movies are on Famicom or Super Famicom. Can't forget about King of Dragons. Or Super Slam Masters, if there is a way to time attack that game...
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Mario Kart on SNES, and F-Zero (edit: okay, I forgot F-Zero doesn't actually have multiplayer). Actually it's only good if you played these games before because otherwise the graphics are nearly intolerable. Ice Climbers on NES is always good for laughs. Other than that, all the ones I can think of are already mentioned (especially Smash TV). Don't forget to take a short break from playing to post how they're working out... because I have just about decided to get 2 SNES controllers as well and would like to know...
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Note: Panel de Pon is known as Tetris Attack in the US. It, however, has Yoshi styled graphics as opposed the the fairy girls in PdP. PdP has more variety in graphics though, such as each character having unique garbage blocks.
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F-Zero on SFam isn't 2-player.
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Super Chinese series.
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YOU MUST PLAY POCKY AND ROCKY(snes)(doesn't work well in snes9x) If you like RPGs, try secret of mana.(snes) Sonic 3 (genesis) (Well, being tails kind of sucks, but oh well)(You'll proabably also want the sonic and knuckles version) If you want another Puyo like game, try Dr. Robotnik's mean bean machine(genesis) Edit: Added systems
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Yes, secret of mana I own and love. Not much of a party game though. I also have mario kart, I forgot to mention it. But thanks for everyone input! (I will keep you updated on the controllers I ordered.)
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These games for NES involves 2-player mode. Life Force Chip n Dale 1 and 2 Dr. Mario Turtles 2 and 3 Nintendo World Cup Ice Hockey Blades of Steel Blue Shadow
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Genesis: Streets of Rage series, especially 2 and 3.
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Looks like I have to make up the Genesis side of things: Ones I actually used to play 2-player as a kid: Toejam and Earl 1 - Go on, open up a random present. I *dare* you. Arcus Odyssey - Gauntlet-esque, with some very frustrating elements often involving figuring out where to go and/or what to do. Unlimited continues make it pretty easy to beat. The archer annoyed the heck out of my sister when we played it. Various other games I enjoy which fall into this category: Bio-Hazard Battle: Shoot stuff. Shoot lots and lots of stuff. Since I invariably suck at all space shooters I haven't gotten far in this one. Cadash: Good old fashioned side-scrolling slashing at things, with the occasional stop for weapons and armor. Bosses are a *****. Columns 3: Much like its other puzzle-fighting brethren. Devilish: Two-paddle Arkanoid. Also much, much easier. Golden Axe: Arcade classic. Mutant League Football: For best results, crank up the Death Index to 5 - Annihilation. Hockey is less exciting and can be played entirely by finding and ripping opponents to pieces. Streets of Rage: Another classic. Toejam and Earl 2: Just because the presents can't kill you now and the gameplay is completely different doesn't mean it's an easy game.
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Thank a lot guys I will definitly be looking into this stuff. Boco please keep in mind that I can't read Japanese.
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it depends what type of games you like that are 2 player. heres a very short list of games that are always fun for 2 people. ------------- SNES ------------- Secret Of Mana (rpg, in fact up to 3 ppl can play this at once) Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret Of Mana 2 in english, RPG) Mortal Kombat 2 (cmon admit it, you love it. fighting) Super Bomberman 1 right up to 6 or whatever the last one was lol. (puzzle/fighting/action i guess) Super Mario Kart (racing. what can be said about this except classic) ------------------ Genesis ------------------ Altered Beast (adventure/action i guess, old but still fun) Toejam & Earl (puzzle?) Road Rash 1 and 2 (racing. VERY fun game that surprisingly hasnt been time attacked yet... *hint hint*) Sonic 2 (action/adventure, this had a 2 player racing mode did'nt it?) Streets Of Rage 1 - 3 (fighting. still fun) Golden Axe 1 - 3 (fighting)
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Hey thanks. How come Sieken Denestru 3 is actually secret of mana 2? What does that make Sieken Denestu 2?
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seiken densetsu 2 is secret of mana. I asked about seiken densetsu 1 in IRC recently and boco among others stated that it's been known as "Mystic Quest"(not FF: mystic quest), Final Fantasy Adventure, and Sword of Mana(for game boy advance). I own sword of mana, but I've never played final fantasy adventure. Are they close to to identical even though they're of two different series?
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FFA/MQ is the same game (story-wise) as Sword of Mana, but the two differ quite a bit in details. Like, I appear in the first but not the second because there are no chokobo in Sword of Mana ;_; And people don't die off a lot like they do in the original. Oh, and there's a crappy magic system that replaced the old item-based one. Oh, and the class system was enhanced to be more like SD3's.
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I am encountering a strange problem with my SD3. I have my emulator (SNES9Custom) set to smooth graphics. But in SD3 whenever there is text on the screen (people talking) it gets blocky, and then as soon as the talking goes away it goes back to smooth... It's kinda annoying. Anyone know anything about a problem like this?
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yes boco is right. Final Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest is really the first Secret Of Mana, for some odd reason. Secret Of Mana (or Seiken Densetsu 2 in japanese) was the first game of the series that the US got. Seiken Densetsu 3 was never released outside of japan (huuuuuuuge mistake by square) so no one was ever able to play it till some people translated it and it became Secret Of Mana 2 for the US. Legend Of Mana then followed (who some people discribe as very disapointing where i thought it was great) and finaly Sword Of Mana which i never played much oh. i think they should remake SOM for the ps2 but with much updated graphics (a style as show in the new zelda game, that 4 swords adventure one) and spell effects and if possibly create a huge new storyline about what happened after the mana beast was distroyed. perhaps someone who wishes to try and resurrect the monster? also about your problem 12, i never ran Seiken Densetsu 3 on any emulator besides Zsnes so it never worked fine for me. this sounds like an emulator problem to me. if you dont want to try switching, perhaps choose another mode besides smooth (if there is one)
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I don't want to steer this offtopic, but since you mentioned remaking a good super nintendo rpg...
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Dark Mana wrote:
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest is really the first Secret Of Mana, for some odd reason. Secret Of Mana (or Seiken Densetsu 2 in japanese) was the first game of the series that the US got.
You misunderstand. Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (AKA Mystic Quest Legend AKA Final Fantasy USA) is a completely different game. I'm talking about Seiken Densetsu: Final Fantasy Gaiden (AKA Final Fantasy Adventure AKA Mystic Quest). And it was released in the US (and Europe).
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Well if I put it into blocky mode, then it always remands blocky... But in smooth mode or eagle mode it always becomes blocky when the text comes in. I even tried downloading multiple versions of the English translation. Maybe it just doesn't work with different styles...
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I've had the same problem as you 12Motion. I have no idea why this happens, and I could never fix it. Switching to another emulator probably works.
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12Motion wrote:
Well if I put it into blocky mode, then it always remands blocky... But in smooth mode or eagle mode it always becomes blocky when the text comes in. I even tried downloading multiple versions of the English translation. Maybe it just doesn't work with different styles...
The reason this happens is because the game switches to a high resolution mode (512xsomething) when it starts outputting text. Otherwise, it plays at normal resolution (256x224). In high resolution mode, the emulator outputs all pixels as-is, but at normal resolution, it interpolates them, creating the smoothing effect.