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[14:27] <Mothrayas> so, things I know about Grunt [14:27] <Mothrayas> 1) he's a caveman [14:27] <Mothrayas> 2) he's a senior publisher ("even cavemen can do it") [14:27] <Mothrayas> 3) he's female [14:27] <Mothrayas> 4) he's married to adelikat [14:27] <Mothrayas> 5) he's high class.
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
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ShadowWraith wrote:
(02:32:16) (Swordless) So wait, that actually isn't the real one? (02:32:24) (Swordless) I'm glad we have a whois master here to figure these things out
From what I've gathered from this and other posts, I take it there was an impostor on IRC. Who was he impersonating?
Joined: 8/7/2006
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CoolKirby wrote:
ShadowWraith wrote:
(02:32:16) (Swordless) So wait, that actually isn't the real one? (02:32:24) (Swordless) I'm glad we have a whois master here to figure these things out
From what I've gathered from this and other posts, I take it there was an impostor on IRC. Who was he impersonating?
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*edited out*
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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A thousand-line post made by a newly-created account that at the time of posting this has 2 posts. An admin should step in and remove this spam.
Emulator Coder
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Warp wrote:
A thousand-line post made by a newly-created account that at the time of posting this has 2 posts. An admin should step in and remove this spam.
Thanks, fixed.
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I agree that that was a bit disruptive so I pastebinned the logs instead. http://pastebin.com/GuJjrpHB
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[16:26] <Rolanmen1> Die Mothrayas, you don't belong in this world [16:27] <Mothrayas> It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh. I was called here by TASers who wish to pay me tribute. [16:27] <Rolanmen1> Tribute? You steal TAS's Souls and make them your TASes [16:28] <Mothrayas> Perhaps the same could be said of all TASers. [16:28] <Rolanmen1> Your soul is as empty as your TASes, TASers don't a saviour such as you [16:28] <Mothrayas> What is a TAS? A miserable little pile of inputs! But enough TAS...have at you! [16:29] <Mothrayas> *insert Hydro Storm spam* [16:29] <erokky> quick get the umbrella [16:29] <Mothrayas> HA, with my new weapon, the mythical UMBRELLA... I am inveencibile! Muhahaha! [16:31] <Mothrayas> Dammt Rolan Belmont, where are you [16:31] <Rolanmen1> downloading some lesbian porn [16:31] <Rolanmen1> great, now i am sounding like Flygon [16:31] <Mothrayas> Lesbian porn: My greatest weakness! [16:31] <Mothrayas> ARUARGUARGARUGARUGGH [16:32] == Mothrayas [~Wout@a82-161-128-67.adsl.xs4all.nl] has left #tasvideos ["And then DracuMoth was defeated by lesbian porn by none other than the greatest Belmont of all time... ROLAN BELMONT"] [16:32] <Rolanmen1> ...... Also, [16:43] <Toothache> how was you weekend? goog? [16:44] <Toothache> *good [16:44] <Mothrayas> Quite goog
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[19:18] <Shinryuu> donkey cock comes.. at the speed of light [19:18] <Shinryuu> my cock... the bright future of humanity [19:18] <Shinryuu> ...universe waves dicks [19:19] <Shinryuu> oh, the feeling of thousand whales behind the moon! [19:20] <Shinryuu> coca cock the mighty drink.. get your mouthful you sinful midget of this universe.. sperm the one, one of the light, give us your light.. rape the darkness with your semen
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Memorable quotes by scrirnpy: (05:32:03) scrimpy: FerretWarlord: don't buy this, suck turska's cock instead. (05:32:22) scrimpy: also it's a hybrid and hybrids are for faggots. (05:32:46) FerretWarlord: But it's also a five speed manual! (05:35:13) scrimpy: ur mom is a five speed manual (05:58:19) scrimpy: Fuck America (05:58:21) scrimpy: gayest nation ever (21:56:16) scrimpy: I suck dicks (04:58:32) scrimpy: Nitrogaynesis. (05:03:26) scrimpy: urmom, trog, urmom (00:29:38) scrimpy: chess 0/10 horrible game did not play.
Post subject: Praise be HappyLee!
Emulator Coder
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Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
--> YoungJ has joined this channel (43413c63@gateway/web/freenode/ip. <YoungJ> im doing a smb -3 ending tas right now// <nitrogenesis> YoungJ: improvement? <Nach> nitrogenesis: a new guy beating HappyLee? Are you nuts? <Nach> there are really good TASers, and then there is HappyLee, please don't confuse the two
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[00:49] TASVideoAgent: Nach's NES Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 1 player in 15:13.79 DELETED by feos
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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[07:16] <Swordless> Are judges allowed to judge their own runs? [07:16] <Ilari> Swordless: No. [07:16] <Swordless> Okay. I won't bother applying for judge
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
Post subject: no matter what!
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All he does is win!
Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign aqfaq Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign
Post subject: talking about The Mario With Famtasia
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18:51] <BrandonElsewhere> turska: IDK man, I remember you ragging on That Mario with the Famtasia or whatever <-- What is wrong with him? <BrandonElsewhere> he definitely was confirmed autistic <YoungJ1997lol> no, it berates me bacause i tried to upload my smb -3 run <ThatGugaWhoPlay> ... <BrandonElsewhere> but people just thought he was immature because he was like 13-14 <ThatGugaWhoPlay> I will take a look to his posts. <nitrogenesis> BrandonElsewhere: he is extremely talented at SMB TASing <YoungJ1997lol> his posts are decent. <BrandonElsewhere> his YouTube channel said that he was autistic and it was written by his om <BrandonElsewhere> *mom <scrimpy> The question is whether or not the intermanets, even a relatively mature place such as TASvideos, is the right place for a 13-year old autistic child. <BrandonElsewhere> I liked him <BrandonElsewhere> he should come back <YoungJ1997lol> he even knos the flagpole glitch <YoungJ1997lol> he's 11. <nitrogenesis> YoungJ1997lol: the flagpole glitch is not very hard <YoungJ1997lol> or 12. <BrandonElsewhere> yeah, I can't even do that stuff <ThatGugaWhoPlay> 11??? <BrandonElsewhere> oh snap, really? He's younger than Patryk, right
So yea, how's it going? Currently TASing: Nothing
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Location: Lake Char­gogg­a­gogg­man­chaugg­a­gogg­chau­bun­a­gung­a­maugg
	nitrogenesis:	ThatGugaWhoPlay is useful for flossing my teeth
	nitrogenesis puts ThatGugaWhoPlay in his moth
	nitrogenesis:	*mouth
	ThatGugaWhoPlay:	...
	ThatGugaWhoPlay:	>-<
	turska:	that's lewd!
	Mothrayas:	...that was the weirdest ping ever.
	nitrogenesis:	hehehe
	feos:	nitrogenesis puts ThatGugaWhoPlay in his mom*
	scrimpy:	Mothrayas: Abloogey Woogey Woo.
	feos:	woops
	Mothrayas:	Other than those times I was pinged every time somebody insulted another person's mother.
	nitrogenesis:		feos: your motherayas sucks
	Mothrayas:	Dunno if that still works.
	nitrogenesis:	Happy Motherayas Day
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Editor, Expert player (2070)
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=-= Guga is now known as ThatGugaWhoPlays <Zeupar> Wuga <ThatGugaWhoPlays> ??? <turska> ThatGugaWhoPlays: it's Play, you silly <ThatGugaWhoPlays> turska: Oops =-= ThatGugaWhoPlays is now known as ThatGugaWhoPlay <FractalFusion> lol <BrandonE> wat <Zeupar> haha
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[10:10] <ThatGugaWhoPlay> Low G Man. :p [10:10] <scrimpy> what's next [10:10] <scrimpy> Small Dick Man?
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[12:21] <ThatGugaWhoPlay> hi Atmius [12:21] <Atmius> Lemon custard obun is pretty decent. [12:21] <ThatGugaWhoPlay> ?_? [12:21] <Spikestuff> what? [12:23] <Atmius> You would not understand [12:23] <Atmius> As it was not meant for this channel [12:23] <ThatGugaWhoPlay> nobody will. [12:23] <ThatGugaWhoPlay> =p
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Player (129)
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[18:18:00] <Nach> why is this weird imposter still in the channel? [18:18:13] <Nach> why hasn't his head been severed from his body yet? [18:18:14] <turska> I don't posses The Power [18:18:58] <ThatGugaWhoPlays> To avoid the annoying ping everytime I post, replace or edit something. [18:19:14] <Nach> turska: so who do you think this imposter is? [18:19:21] <ThatGugaWhoPlays> ... [18:19:23] <ThatGugaWhoPlays> :p [18:19:25] <Nach> ThatGugaWhoPlays is also located in Chile, so perhaps it's a relative or friend? [18:19:33] <ThatGugaWhoPlays> Dude. [18:19:46] <rog> it's prob a friend of ThatGugaWhoPlay [18:20:06] <Nach> rog: But it's odd... How many English writers are there in Chile? [18:20:19] <rog> i'd imagine a good many [18:20:27] <ThatGugaWhoPlays> yeah, right. [18:20:30] <ThatGugaWhoPlays> <_< [18:20:32] <Nach> maybe I should buy a few of them [18:20:40] <rog> might not be a bad idea [18:20:53] <Nach> probably rather cheap, especially in bulk [18:20:58] <ThatGugaWhoPlays> i just changed my nick just to avoid the ping. that. is. all. LOL [18:20:58] <rog> for sure [18:21:19] <Nach> if they understand spoken English directions, even better [18:21:34] * tematric_ is now known as tematric [18:21:35] <Nach> and less whipping, which is nice for them I guess, also for the taskmaster's arm [18:22:17] <rog> tbh there are probably better places to look if you really nee them to understand english [18:22:28] <Nach> rog: Where would you suggest? [18:22:35] <Nach> in any case, when GugaMan gets back, someone tell him that he missed some GugaMania today [18:22:37] <rog> i'm not sure [18:22:45] <ThatGugaWhoPlays> lol [18:23:11] <Nach> the last GugaMania was much better though, there were like 5 Gugas in here, all who were fake [18:23:13] <ThatGugaWhoPlays> "[17.7%] 8405/47580 frames, 2.69 fps, 22795.46 kb/s, eta 4:02:33" yay. [18:23:56] <Nach> rog: Oh, I completely forgot the rare soup factor [18:24:07] * Nach gets out the GugaGrinder SoupMaker [18:25:34] <Nach> rog: How many Gugas does it take to fill up a bathtub? [18:25:50] <ThatGugaWhoPlays> ... [18:25:51] <rog> i would estimate 3.27, but i can't be sure [18:26:21] <Nach> rog: Answer: No idea, when anyone tries, they keep slipping down the drain (since Gugas are from third world countries which lack food, and they're all quite small) [18:26:47] <ThatGugaWhoPlays> i hope no one post this in the forums [18:26:57] <rog> brb [18:27:30] <TASVideoAgent> New reply by rog (OT: Memorable IRC Quotes.): http://tasvideos.org/forum/p/317809#317809 [a:1] [18:28:22] <ThatGugaWhoPlays> rog: i hate you. [18:29:06] <ThatGugaWhoPlays> for the lulz, add this "[18:26] <ThatGugaWhoPlays> i hope no one post this in the forums"
Emulator Coder
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Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
For those who didn't get the last part:
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[11:56] <Guga> scrimpyesunidiota [11:56] <Zeupar> XD [11:56] <Guga> =p [11:56] <scrimpy> Oh my god, I have been called an idiot T_T [11:56] <scrimpy> I'm gonna go cut mysel [11:56] <scrimpy> f [11:56] <scrimpy> bye :CCCCC [11:56] <Zeupar> Wrong. Idiota. Far worse. [11:56] <Guga> :CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC [11:57] <scrimpy> but yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((8 [11:57] <Guga> lol [11:58] <Zeupar> I would rather be scripmless [11:58] <Zeupar> scrimpless even [11:58] <scrimpy> :CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
Post subject: The Essence of Staff
Emulator Coder
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<Nach> hey Guga`, you're TASVideos staff now <Guga> I know. <Guga> =P <ALAKTORN> what :O <Guga> I'm a publisher <Nach> Guga`: so, if your life depended on sacrificing DarkKobold or natt, who would you pick? <Guga> I would pick DarkKobold <Nach> WHY??? <Guga> Because he is an evil judge! <Nach> I'm sorry, you have answered incorrectly <rog> personally, i'd sacrifice them both, just to be safe <Nach> now rog got it right <Guga> lol <Nach> he has what it takes to be a real staff member around here <Guga> Evil? <Nach> yes!
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<Nach> the best part about CoolKirby is the mood avatars <Nach> some of the best on the site <CoolKirby> Thanks Nach! <Guga> Agree. <nitrogenesis> my name is short for Gus von Eiffel no Shintzu Mysterious Scientific NitroGenesis Caliban Potato <CoolKirby> You really think so? <Nach> CoolKirby: yes I do <rog> ya, CoolKirby has god-tier avatars <nitrogenesis> my mood avatars are all dodongos, except for about 5 which aren't used very much <Nach> nitrogenesis: not able catch him? <nitrogenesis> heh <nitrogenesis> Nach: can i have a sausage <Nach> nitrogenesis: after CoolKirby has <nitrogenesis> CoolKirby is very allergic <nitrogenesis> and I'm older then him <nitrogenesis> so let me have the sausage!!! <Nach> than* <Guga> the mood avatars of nitrogenesis are cool too. <nitrogenesis> Or I'll sacrifice Garfield <Nach> Nitrogenesis: After Coolkirby Has * CoolKirby inhales the sausage * Nach gives CoolKirby a large pot and a chef's hat <Nach> Guga`: CoolKirby is calling you for dinner * CoolKirby pulls everyone on IRC into the pot and stirs thoroughly. <Guga> Kirby making food. <Guga> Yum. <CoolKirby> Lots of sausages for everyone! <Nach> thanks CoolKirby, Guga` tastes quite good :D == nitrogenesis [8e44bfc2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] <Guga> lol <CoolKirby> Hm, nitrogenesis quit. He missed his sausage. == nitrogenesis [8e44bfc2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tasvideos <nitrogenesis> hello again <Guga> hi nitrogen <Nach> Hello sir <nitrogenesis> damn disconnects * Nach rips off nitrogenesis foot and devours it <Guga> you missed your sausage * Nach offers the other foot to CoolKirby <CoolKirby> If you don't take the foot off, Nach, you're coming with it. * Nach gives CoolKirby some extremely rare peppermint candy * CoolKirby inhales Nach's other foot * CoolKirby takes down Kaboola with the power of the Mint Leaf * Nach gives CoolKirby a microphone * AngerFist hugs nitro, there there, there there. <Nach> It's karoke time everyone! * Nach runs for cover * CoolKirby uses the first mike * CoolKirby uses the second mike * CoolKirby uses the third mike next to a button and gains 255 glitched mikes <CoolKirby> Hooray!
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<scrimpy> Guga_: Learn to do NDS encodes then. <BimmyLee> yeah, it isn't hard <BimmyLee> almost as easy as scrimpy's mom <arukAdo> touché! <scrimpy> BimmyLee: You're learning well, my son. <arukAdo> well your mom is a great teacher lol <BimmyLee> zing! <Guga_> ,l, <Guga_> *lol <scrimpy> oh u
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