Within the last 2 years, some changes have taken place. The original websites, aaacafe and infoseek have suspended(?) their services. Try this link on my website:
http://w7n.bob.buttobi.net/hardrelaymario.ips This is an IPS file, please patch it to the SMB ROM.
The reason Happylee is angry with Brandon's movie is that it's simply dull. SMB TASers in my community has reached a consensus about that. Not that he wants to hold all records of SMB, since it's highly possible that he will break that record if the movie is published.
Happylee said the run beats the old run 'pretty hard' because so it does. I have watched that video. A lot of improvements were found and used in that video. If you want to watch it, try:
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzc1NzEwNTQ4.html (Can you get access to this site?)
I'll show some of the techniques in the new video. Wall jumps, and the tricky infinite wall jumps are common. One is required to go through walls in many ways, including some really tough situations like a place with little room to accelerate, to complete the level. In World 1-4, one needs to adjust his position to let the Piranha plants rise at a certain time(notice, when they disappear they don't actually disappear, they can still hurt you). Mario's jumping properties state(?) has to be controlled well to perform certain jumps, like the fast way dealing with the spring in 1-4, the shortcut in 1-8(not shown, but already proven possible). For example, normally the jumping properties state is determined by Mario's speed, but if after a certain point, you don't press left or right, and only stays on the ground for one frame every time, Mario will maintain his state at that point. That's how we get the shortcut in 1-8.
PS: Ignore the words below...
(Mars是没理解'Congratulations'一词的含义么......您之前说For a new TASer it's fast enough, 但是这里是TASVideos, 追求最速视频的地方, 您就算解释了快多少帧还是不免会被别人挑刺......)